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an empty frame.'s Diary
by an empty frame.

previous entry: Giovanni and Gabriel moving in for a while.

next entry: At war with myself again



Last night Giovanni and Gabriel slept over (see previous entry) and I asked Giovanni to share my bed cos I was cold and I didnt try to have sex with him even though I really really wanted to!!! I am proud, lol. I was like omfg his dick is right there I was dying to touch it LOL the temptation was killing me. *stares at Giovanni in the night in a really creepy way*

There's nothing worth updating on. I miss Luke and I'm ssssoooo horny all day yesterday and last night and so far this morning. I miss him and I'm cock hungry I want it in my mouth so hhhhaaaarrrrddddd. *booty calls his own boyfriend*

previous entry: Giovanni and Gabriel moving in for a while.

next entry: At war with myself again

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wow, i wouldn't have been able to resist and would have gone for it. You got more will power than i have! Xxx

[Doris &heartsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

probably would've gone for it too lol.

[& skull.|0 likes] [|reply]

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