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by littleoldme

previous entry: Cord Blood

next entry: Cleaning and Fortunate

38 weeks


Just a quick update. I hit 38 weeks this week! My baby officially won't be considered premature.
I had an NST yesterday and everything looked good. My blood pressure is being very bipolar. It's either really low (108ish over 62ish) or kind of borderline ( 126ish over 84/86ish). They won't consider putting me on anything until its over 140/90 and with a week to go that probably won't happen. Still, the overall average is higher than it has been so we are watching it and I will be induced.I had my favorite nurse when my fluid levels were checked and she pointed out that it looks like Emily has hair. They have really nice ultrasound equipment and she showed me these little whispy, feathery strands sticking out from around her skull and said that that was hair. My little girl most likely won't be bald!

I went to the doctor today. We talked about whether or not to do an induction and with my blood pressure starting to go up and my other issues we decided it was best. I saw the urogyn and asked about my inerstitial cystitis and labor/afterwards. My IC could basically go either way but he did say since I was in "remission" before pregnancy, I might possibly go back into remission afterward. I know I probably will have an epidural, not because I am pro pain med but more of a complication with my IC. The idea makes me cringe from an IC perspective however because of the catheter and the problems they can give me. This might sound stupid to a non IC sufferer but a catheter can = weeks and weeks of extreme bladder pain, especially if its an adult catheter (I do better with a pediatric catheter). He said if I do end up needing one they will definitely use a pediatric catheter on me. I will point out that never once have I ever had pain medication encouraged or brought up by my doctors. They really respect the patient in that regard.

They asked if I wanted a cervical check done and since I hadn't had one done since my last preterm labor scare at 32 weeks I decided to go ahead. Plus with an induction coming up next week I wanted to see exactly what we were working with. I am currently 3 centimeters dilated and 75% effaced, which of course means that I could go into labor tonight or a few weeks from now but hey at least its something. I was afraid there would be no change since I haven't had much in the way of the contraction department. The doctor said my cervix was favorable for induction. They scheduled my induction for next wednesday, November 3rd. It's only 5 days before my due date so its not that early. A little over a week to go at the most!

Now for the part that has me really really not happy/a bit freaked out. After my nice, happy appointment I swung by the front desk to confirm I had the correct number to call on my induction day and they had me pick up an additional sheet of paper with the names of a bunch of other hospitals on it. Apparently if I go into labor during the next few days, they will have to divert me to another hospital because every bed is currently full right now. I about wanted to cry. I know nothing about these other hospitals, their policies, or their doctors. I am very comfortable with my hospital because of their conservative policies/practices. I've heard so many horror stories of other places.
I don't mind having a c-section if it is medically necessary and I know my doctor won't do one unless it is necessary. What if I get diverted to some awful hospital where the doctor does one for convenience and does not respect my wishes? I think about my experience with that one hospital while we were traveling and the meds they tried to start pushing even before they knew what was wrong and start worrying if I will get sent to some med happy hospital. There are things called interventions that are practices that actually help the patient and "interventions" that do more harm than good. I don't want to get stuck some place that does "interventions". Giving birth at a place where I simply don't have that trust would be so stressful. I am seriously upset about this and my husband just does not get it and chalks it up to me being hormonal. Ugh!

On top of it my uterus has been contracting off and on this afternoon. I am hoping its just from my cervical exam and that nothing happens tonight or for the next day or two since I almost certainly would be diverted. I was released from pelvic rest and released to excercise. I was going to go on a walk this evening. You can forget that idea. Maybe I am being hormonal but I seriously do not want to do anything that might bring on labor for a few days.

Anyway, I am seriously cranky right now and hoping and praying that I don't get diverted and Emily bakes for a few days.

previous entry: Cord Blood

next entry: Cleaning and Fortunate

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Happy 38 weeks! ;] Yay for meeting Ms. Emily soon! I am excited for you!

[*-.Stephanie.-* Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I can't believe it's so close to when you'll meet Miss Emily! I also have to say I'd love to see a full term belly pic! I hope and pray Emily holds off for awhile so you can go to your hospital, I know that would make you less stressed out.

[PakistaniDiva06|0 likes] [|reply]

Hopefully you will be able to deliver at the hospital of your choice!

[Mommy2Brycen+1|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm very excited you have made it to 38 weeks! It sucks about the hospitals - but don't give up! If you go into labor you could still end up getting your choice if someone has been discharged. And even if you go to a different hospital - maybe you could call and ask your doctor or a person at your choice where and who they recommend for just in case? Maybe that would at least ease your stress a bit.

[Gonna.Be.A.Mommy|0 likes] [|reply]

happy 38 weeks!! I hope Emily stays still for the next few days.. maybe if you dont call and just show up they'll keep you? even if they are full? i don tknow.. lol. im just making stuff up. *hugs* I hope for the best though!

[.Ban.Ignorance.|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: I agree with you. I mean ideally yes, a baby born between 34-37 weeks is fine.. but like you said, there are other problems.. they're more susceptible to illnesses, they generally have a lower birth weight so they have problems maintaining their temps and blood sugar and most babies have a poor suck reflex until they hit 38 weeks.. Ideally, most health care providers prefer a baby wait until 38 weeks.

[*-.Stephanie.-* Star|0 likes] [|reply]

God is so good!

[Inner SanctuaryStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I'll be praying that a bed opens up just for you and right on time. I didn't realize that you could be made to go to another hospital that you didn't choose. I think I'd go to the ER of my hospital of choice and let the doctor come to me there. Surely they'd have to at least see you there. Hospitals here put extra maternity patients (ones who've already given birth) on the regular floor to make way for new patients as needed. I can see how upsetting this could be for you. Hopefully this doesn't become an issue that you'll have to deal with.

[hibiscus_ballerina|0 likes] [|reply]

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. -Jeremiah 29:11

[ Avonlea@ITW|0 likes] [|reply]

[froggyfrogerson|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: Cleaning and Fortunate

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