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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan
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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: Slipping again *poem

next entry: If you didn�t know, now you know about me 3-13-2015

687 Turn the page but bookmarker remains 03 10 2015


687 Turn the page but bookmarker remains 03 10 2015

(before you read this entry, I was wondering if I should post a short bio of me since I have many new readers...let me know)

Oh what a day. Woke to hammering and sawing at my back door… after 4 hours of sleep. Soon after, I heard a baby crying.

My mom is babysitting my sister’s son who’s a 4 month old baby. Owen is a screamer. He literally screams every day till his voice is hoarse. My sister drops him off at 7AM and picks him up at 3PM.

We’re getting our instillation redone at the house along with getting exterior doors rewinterized.
They were here at 8:30 AM.

I have a head ache and I’m at work right now where I have a screaming client…ug.

It’s been 2 weeks now since I last heard from … someone. I think of her often and although my heart isn’t hurting like it did last time, I do feel some anger, sadness and I wonder.
I had a new year’s resolution that has been the same as the last few years.
To work out every day.
So far, I worked out 67 of 68 days and the one day I didn’t was because I had a migraine.

Yesterday I took a step forward to what I hope is my next part of life.

I signed up for an on line course called “A to Z grantwriting”
I’m still a bit skeptical on how these on line classes work but I’m sure I’ll figure it all out.

I had an appointment with the disability office at the college only to have it canceled.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to take the quizzes on line because it wasn’t accessible for my screen reading program. I emailed student services and they wrote me back, saying I could email my answers and they would plug them in. Well, I asked them about the option and they agreed they could do that. Someone at the disability office called me Monday morning saying that since the class is a 3rd party class and it’s just ran through the university, that I didn’t need to come in to sign papers. They concurred that I could just have the student service people fill in my answers on my behalf.

Once I got that confirmation, I signed up for the class. I made a username-password then gave my credit card information to pay for the class and I got an email confirmation and I’m all set.

Jonathan…the student… yet again…because 237 college credits wasn’t enough to get me a fulltime job.


previous entry: Slipping again *poem

next entry: If you didn�t know, now you know about me 3-13-2015

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I can't even tell you how many college credits I have TOO many to count at this point!

[~Just the 3 of Us~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

New reader! Short bio appreciated.

Screaming babies at 7 am must suck! ugg

you still have 237 more college credits than me! Never went to college. Kind of regret it but at this point my brain is too fried to learn plus I work crazy hours and have no money. I wouldn't know what to major in since I'm 34 and STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up lol

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Did you tell your mom the things I mentioned that might be causing his screaming? I still think it's acid reflux and I haven't even heard him scream. lol

67 out of 68 days is pretty dang awesome. And I wouldn't hold it against yourself for missing a day. It'll happen. Some days you just don't feel good and you're not gonna feel up to it. You still have 67 other days under your belt. Can't say much for me. haha

I hope this class is everything you anticipated it to be and I hope it points you in the right direction!!

[�Mrs. Evans�|0 likes] [|reply]

oooh, I know ALLLLL about screaming babies!!! College... Hm... I didn't finish community college. Someday.

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I am glad you are taking the class. I think it will either let you know you don't want to do something or it may open more doors for you! Hang in there!

[Simply*Carlise|0 likes] [|reply]

I am SO passed the screaming baby stage, lol.

[TheHighlander|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Slipping again *poem

next entry: If you didn�t know, now you know about me 3-13-2015

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