About 6 PM a big UPS trust pulled up to my house.
In walked two guys carying the best gift I ever bought for myself.
A set of offentic Fenway Park seats with the cup holders.
They will go in my room once I make room for them.
Today I also filled out and faxed in my intent to graduate forms.
I thought I would be receiving my degree in May but the college told me to mark January 2009 on the forms.
This means I can start accumalating the 3380 hours towards my license and I can take the test to be a licensed counselor for the state of ma.
On a day where American history is written
The people of the past had fought and given up their lives for the equality of all men
Joe Lewish
Jackie Robinson
Jim Brown
Bill Russle
Hank Aaron
Magic Johnson
Tiger Woods
DR. King said in our parent's life time
"I have a dream"
Today, January 20th, 2009
that dream takes a huge step forward today but I am sure even the President will agree, this is just an other step to where we want to be.