HI all my fabulous bloop buddies
Who, most of you are now my fb friends too 
I have done nothing since my last update that's why I have not updated.
*thinks* I went to a job fair that was a waist of my time
I hung out with my twin and my sis the last two sundays for the patriots games
My sis's wedding planning is slowly coming along.
They want to have it on the water and narrowed it down to 5 locations. Origenally, my sis' fiancee was the one who proposed to her, so my sis has a ring. Some time very resently, my sister gave her a ring. Last sunday when we were out for the patriots game, Stacie, my sis's fiancee, showed me her ring. It is beautiful and I can only imagine looks gorgious.
My former coworker and still friend Rob, found a job that is down the street from him. He is lucky his wife has a very nice paying job so he can work for next to nothing.He came over Monday for a bit, tried to see if he could fix my treadmill. He's a real handy man. He tried everything but we eventually concluded that it was just too old. How many treadmills last for 15 years?
*sad face*
My NJ cousin, Hayley, the lady I went to the NJ Bon Jovi with last year...
She works for a car dealer ship and has worked for the company for 18 years. Her father in law is part (very small part) owner and her husband been working at the company for 3 years. Well...they all lost their jobs on monday. I wont get into because I dont want to, but it was not a financial thing, it was a personal thing.
This was 2 weeks after her husband's grand father passed away
and a week after she found out her 80 something year old aunt has stomach cancer.
so, um, things happen in 3's.
I am not sure what they will do. They had to give back their cars, since it was a perk from the job. So now they dont have a car. they dont have jobs but they do have a morgage on a house and other bills.
My best friend's wife is going to have a baby in the next 2 weeks. Grace Anne.
It will be their second child, and last. Holden, who turned 3 last month, went from saying partial sentences to now talking in all sentences. it's great. I was quite shocked how quickly he figured that out. Although he's not going to take having another baby around well. He's not good at sharing and loves the word "mine" "where's mine" "that's mine" so... we'll see
John has also been trying to sell his house as they only have a 2 bedroom house and will need a 3 pretty soon but not only no buyers or perspective buyers, no one even went to "look" at their house the 2 month it was on the market..
I'm bored
and lonely
and will be even more so when the world series is over next week. My baseball will go into hibernation for the winter
which, my Boston Red Sox are getting a real shake up after the epic collapse in September, going 7 - 20, moving from 9 games up in the playoff race to losing out.
The managers's option on his contract wasnt picked up. Our GM is about to be traded to the cubs and there is more finger pointing going on than in a first grade classroom. reports of drinking beer, eating fried chicken and playing videogames in the clubhouse during games.
I am very interested to see what will be of the 2012 Boston Red Sox roster, managers and front office personell. It should be a selebated season for it will be the 100th birthday for good old Fen Way Park, the oldest park-stadium-arena in all of north american professional sports. The first game was on April 20th, 1912. Only a few days prior, the titanic sunk.