People in this story
Phyllis: the mother, she’s a 5th grade teacher, very hyper-can’t sit (prob is ADHD-ADD) loves Boston sports
Larry: father, a principal of a high school. Loves sports, dry sarcasm
Danielle: daughter, sr in college. Outgoing and talkative but not to the extreme of her mom
Josh: son, sophomore in college, extremely immature but very nice. Likes the Yankees ug.
I had a lot of fun on my trip. It was just way to short.
I arrived in fl at 9;40 PM It was a nice direct flight on Jet Blue. I love Jetblue cause it has XM radeo-tv.
Phyllis greeted me and she said that Danielle was here too. She wanted to come to see you. Danielle gave me a nice hug and said hi. We walked out to the garage where Larry was waiting in the car for us. Phyllis was asking me if I was hungry and was telling me … hmm who knows lol but she just loves to talk and talk. We get to their place and Phyllis tries to show me around, I end up with a few bumps-bruises with Danielle pointing out things a little better. We all go into the tv room and chat. Phyllis asked me again if I was hungry. Since I didn’t have supper, I was hungry. I had told her that I am a very picky eater. She was offering me a bunch of things that I liked. I ended up having a few slices of leftover pizza. Danielle said she was having Cereal. At some point, Josh came out of his room. He was sleeping I guess. Phyllis said to him that Jonathan was here “come and say hi” so he did. He came over and shook my hand, I said “good morning” Larry asked him how work went. (he delivers pizza’s on fri-sat nights) he said it was ok. Larry said “you don’t know? You didn’t count your tips?” he had not. The Red sox game was on since they were playing on the west coast. Since they get the baseball TV package, I got to watch my red sox in fl when they were playing in Oakland. Josh, who is a yankee fan, said something about how bad the Red Sox were doing. Josh went back to bed, Larry went to bed. Danielle showed me around the house a lot better. I was staying in her room. She was going to be in the play room. (which is now the spare room with a computer in it) I sent a friend request to Danielle on FB. She accepted in the morning
I didn’t get much sleep. It was a new environment and the bed was hard and …not mine. I got up about 8, went out to have breakfast about 9. Phyllis asked what I wanted. She offered me everything under the sun. I said a bagel would be fine. She asked if I wanted bacon so I had some of that too and I also had some very yummy fruit. Danielle came over and sat with me. It felt like I kept eating and eating or I eat slow and these people eat fast because as I was eating, talking, etc, they were taking turns eating breakfast. Larry had his first of 3 fantasy football drafts in 3 days. This one was on the computer and would start at 10AM. Danielle and Phyllis went for a walk then to the pool.
I sat next to Josh on the bed-couch in the computer room with Larry on the computer. They were watching and talking about college football. I was sharing my strategy and who Larry should pick. Whenever Larry would take a player I would suggest he would say something like “I’m going to trust you and take this player but if he doesn’t workout, I’m coming after you” I would just laugh and say he will do well. I had took a shower when the draft was over then went into the TV room where Larry was watching the Notre Dame football game. He and Josh was talking college football. I am not into it yet as it’s still baseball season but I knew my twin was going to the Boston College University of Miami game. It would be Devin’s first sporting event. That game was on at 3;30 and we were leaving for the Miami Marlins-New York Mets game at 3pm.
At some point, Phyllis and Danielle came home and Phyllis had told me that there will be two others coming with us. One was a former student of hers and one was a kid who she Tudors. The older one who is 13, his name is Jonathan too. The other one, his name is Jessy. He is 10 years old and it was his first baseball game..ever! While we were waiting, since we all woke up early, we took naps. When I came back into the TV room, the boys were here. They were watching some college game. Larry was looking up directions and to see what time the park opened. Phyllis wanted to know what they had for food. Or more specifically, where the ice cream and chicken fingers were.
We headed out about 3pm, the guys In one car and the ladies in another. Larry and I were listening and talking mostly about fantasy football as we were listening to fantasy sports radio. We also checked into the Boston College u-Miami football game. Miami ended up winning as we would find out later. Phyllis called Larry twice, I said I set the over-under of the times she’ll call at 3. He said she would call more. She only called the two times. We got to the stadium a half hour before the park opened. It was 93 degrees and humid. It was pretty gross. I was standing outside in the blazing sun sweating my balls off. My shirt was pretty damp before someone had the bright idea (I think it was Danielle) to go into the team store. So she guided me around with Josh never too far behind. She was telling me everything that was in the store and even put things in my hand so I could “see” it. It was fun. Not that I wear anything on my wrist, but if I did, she was showing me they have a Marlin’s bracelet that was made of the stitches of a baseball. She said she had a red sox one. I thought that was very cool. She was reading the signed autograph bats and balls they had and other things. It was time to go in.
Although I hate domes I hate 90 degree with humidity more. I was thankful they had a dome. Josh led me to our seats… it was amazing. We were only 6 rows from the field down the right field. Josh explained to me the stadium. There is a club in center field, which there is a story to come about that. There is also a fish tank with fish, there is two of them. There is also this thing, which, I still can’t visualize lol with flamingos, and other fl type animals on it and when someone on the Marlin’s hits a home run, that thing does a little song and dance. Since we got into the stadium when it opened, we had to kill time.
I was mostly just chatting with Danielle while Josh entertains the boys. He took them down to the dugout to see if they could get some autographs. They didn’t. I said to Danielle, “in 5 days, it will be my 23rd anniversary of going to my first game” she was like, wow, I can’t remember dates like that. She said her first game was when he was either 9 or 10 years old. I thought for a moment and said “how old are you?” she said she’ll be 22 next month. I said “so I went to my first game before you were even born? Now I feel old.” Lol. Phyllis went and got me some food. I wanted my usual, sausage with peppers and onions. I didn’t know if they had them so if not, than a hotdog but they did have sausage and it was pretty good. I also got a pretzel later on during the game and it was good but just a bit too salty.
The game itself was slow paced. I had a radio and Josh helped me find the right station. The Marlins were winning 3-1 early.
At one point Larry says to Jessy to close his eyes. Danielle told me that in the club, there were dancers who were dancing provocatively with very little on. Josh was acting like a young teen, wooting and cheering them on… even though they were 5 decks up and a few hundred feet away. Throughout the game Danielle and I were talking about random things. It was nice. She said that she thought I was 27. Her mom thought she was even younger. I said “awww thank you. but no, I’m 34.”
Larry asked me if it was ok if we left at the end of the 8th inning? I said yes. Phyllis said “are you sure?” I said yes. So at the end of the inning we left. I was walking out with Josh and he said something about being able to hear the music club. He said that he was going to go. I said I was going to go with him. Josh said that we’ll see you at home. Phyllis said how are you going to get home? Josh said that we’ll take a plane. We got to the car and headed back. Larry and I were listening to the fantasy football channel while the kids and Josh were In the back talking at first but time passed they got quiet and I think Jessy fell asleep but at one point he said that the Marlin’s lost. Everyone was pretty surprised since we left the game with them down 3-1 and won 4-3. Everyone had a good time and we dropped the kids off before meeting up with the ladies at home. I stayed up a little bit with Danielle and Phyllis watching the red sox game but they ended up getting crushed, 20-2. I went to my room when it was 9-1.
Sunday morning, I had posted on my fb something like “with my 20th stadium in the book I wonder what will be my next MLB stadium?” Danielle noted the post saying “get excited, we’re having pancakes” After reading that I was excited. I went out and had pancakes and fruit.
Danielle was going to the beach with a friend and Phyllis had nothing to do. She was just going to find things to do around the house.
Larry, Josh and myself headed out with our laptops and Larry was bringing a projector for the draft. We went to a sports bar-restaurants. Larry had rented a side room for the draft. We got there first and snacked on some appetizers for lunch. I set my computer up with Josh sitting next to me. Larry was standing in the front of the room with a projector. He had a list of every player by position on one page and who each team had, on another. He also was being very creative. When it was your turn, he had a logo that would make fun of your team then he had music to go with it. One guy is a Patriots fan. He has a boy taking a dump into a New England Patriots helmet. Another is the coach of the JETS with a bunch of feet around him. (he has a feet fetish) It was pretty bad but funny.
One of the guys could not make the draft…he was in Italy. I was asked to draft for him a few weeks ago. I accepted and prepared. So I had a list of the top 30 QB top 50 RB 80 WR 20 K’s 32 D’s. I was going to Delete the names as people would call them out…It was easier just to remember everyone who was taken. (I won’t bore you, but I think I drafted the best team) Larry had told me that I should negotiate with the person (Dave). He said “If you win, you should negotiate for him to fly you down for the draft next year” I half-smiled and sarcastically said “ya, right” he goes: “No, Jonathan. I’m series. He can afford it.” Come to find out later, this Dave guy is a top doctor in the state of FL. So I am sure he can afford it. So …we’ll see.
I got to say, I got a kick out of the fact that as I was sitting here in the draft room and I think about the people who are in the room with me, doctors, lawyers, Principals of a hs, etc…and they are all sitting here playing a little boys game. I said to Phyllis later on “I guess the old saying is true. Boys will always be boys”. And that’s ok.
After the draft we went back to the house. Danielle had got a hair cut that morning and Josh wanted to get one too. Phyllis had to go to the store to pick up food for dinner and I said that I would go with her. She was surprised. I told her that I like going. She said that no one likes to go with her food shopping. We ended up going together. Josh and Danielle went to the hair cut place and Phyllis and I went next door to the grocery store. Phyllis had warned me that everyone knows her in this city. Her nephew calls her the Mayor. We go back to the house. One of the guys who was in the draft came over. It was one of Phyllis’s older nephews. He’s a doctor. He and Larry were watching golf. Phyllis had Larry put the Sox game on for me. They were winning but once they lost the lead, I let them keep on golf. Danielle was sitting next to me and Josh was in his room. Danielle was telling me that she got burnt when she was at the beach. She went in the water a few times but she never reapplied the sunscreen so she ended up looking like a lobster. She was telling me that the bottom half of her suit was a little crooked so it’s going to look funny the next time she goes to tan. I was a bit surprised she told me this.
Phyllis had asked me if I wanted stake, burgers or chicken. She said that she was making a kabob, so I was all over that. And to make it even better, it was teriyaki stake. It was very good. She was also making rice, a salad, and two other dishes that I didn’t want. She had baked mint brownies for dessert and they got ice cream too. Everything was so good. There was lots of conversations and continual joking-sarcasm. I loved it. We ended up talking about phones and texting and other fun things phones can do these days. Danielle and Phyllis was making fun of Larry for his lac of wanting to use the IPhone for all it can do. He sends texts as if they are emails…complete sentences. We then talked about abr. Like “omg. Lol. Lmao. TTYL” etc. He said he will never use them.
We went back to the TV room, Danielle sat next to me again and the older nephew left soon after dessert. Phyllis said his wife doesn’t cook so she wants to make sure he goes home with a care package and full. Phyllis kept saying that she wishes there was something for us to do but it’s Sunday night and nothing is opened. I ended up watching Toy Story 2 with Danielle and just talking with her about school, hobbies and general things we like to do. Phyllis was telling stories and asking q’s. When Larry was in the room and Josh, Larry told a funny story about Josh and how he went to deliver pizza one night. It was a 55 dollar order. He knocked on the door and a naked woman answered the door. She gave him a $100 bill and said “if my husband wasn’t home, I’d invite you in” pore kid lol. Larry also picked on Danielle. He was picking on her choice of BFs. I told a few stories about some of my past clients.
Everyone eventually went to sleep but it was very nice to sit around and just chat. My family doesn’t do that.
I had all my stuff together and had my clothes out for the day. I went and had breakfast. Phyllis offered me everything and I chose a blueberry muffin with creancheese. She thought that was gross. She said that she never heard of it. Funny thing, when she told Larry what I was having, he said that, that’s what he puts on his muffins too. She said “since when?” Larry said “I always have” I laughed. Larry was getting ready for another on line draft that would take place at 10AM. He was quickly emptying the dish washer. Danielle was getting ready to drive back to college. She was getting her stuff together. Phyllis had Danielle’s keys last but didn’t know what she did with them. They turned the house over. Danielle finally find it in a draw. Phyllis and Larry were telling me a story about how Larry decided when he was in college, he didn’t want to live in cold weather. He moved to FL soon after college. One day when Larry was up visiting friends and family, he was introduced to Phyllis. Phyllis “and be brought me down here” Larry “and she never forgave me for it” I laughed.
After breakfast I went and took a shower and got dressed. As I was walking into my room, Danielle was right behind me. She said (in a sad tone) that she has to get back to school. We hugged. She said that she would see me in two months. I said and probably the next month too. (meaning December) she said “I hope so” …
II hung out with Larry in the draft room to help him with a few rounds till it was time to go. I thanked Larry for everything and he said that I am welcomed anytime and thanked me for coming down and helping with the draft. I said by to Josh on the way out and Phyllis and I were on our way to the airport.
Phyllis and I got to the airport safely. She kept saying that she wanted to go home. She wanted her mommy. Are you sure I can’t fit in your suitcase. Think they’ll notice if we switch and I gave you the car keys and you give me your plane ticket? Etc etc It was funny.
There was a Chilli’s restaurant in the area of my terminal and since we had an hr, she wanted to go and eat. She tried to get me to eat but I wasn’t going to eat before getting on a plane. We talked about how short the vacation was and that I’ll come back down in December for the New England Patriots – Miami Dolphin’s game.
We headed back to wait for the plane and we eventually said our bys and I was back home 3 hours later…the end.
FB: I'm in FL. I'm being treated like a king. got a few bruises but no broken bones yet 
FB: heading out to stadium 20! HELLO! MARLIN'S PARK!
FB: Being a designated drafter, With my first pick in the fantasy football draft, I pick...Alyssa Milano
FB: Thank you to the entire Green family for treating me as family. I had a wicked fun time. I'll be back soon. love you all!
"Who says, you can't go back been all around the world and as a matter of fact. there's only one place left, I wanna go. who says, you cant go home"
FB: After a fun filled weekend in Florida, it's back to reality tomorrow with work. With Stadium #20 in the books, I wonder what will be my next baseball stadium?
P.S. I wish I could express how sarcastic this family was and how much Phyllis talked and how much I felt a part of this family.