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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: I'm old but can still bounce around

next entry: poem, Serman, Karen, redsox

Yom Kippur + more Karen


HI, I am the ever-hopeful romantic ...but you all new that.
I've talked to Karen more the last few days. Yesterday it was on IM, from 10-2 phone while she was heading to work than a little bit on IM when she was at work. It's so fun to have a person who I can say ANYTHING to, and feel comfortable with it and vise verser. hmm I wanted to share a part of our conversation from yesterday but we did chat today for a bit before she had to get ready for work.

little part of the convo between me and Karen last night.

J: hmm I'll have to show you sighted guide, the way I would walk with you. basicly is just me holding your elbo so I'm a half step behind you so when you step-up-down I'll know. unless i actually use my cain properly, then that would find things a few feet further but ummm yay

K: *smile* i'll do anything to be able to help out
J: *big child-eyes smile* *hug* I know you would
K: *hug* what was that for?
J: you being you. just what you said
K: lol ok. i dont understand what i did but if it makes you happy im good
J: "i'll do anything to be able to help out" like I said, you being the caring, understanding Karen without realizing it. as the old saying goes "the little things mean a lot"

The things she says, the things she does, the way she describes things. It's all so detailed and amazing to me.
Today I told her that I'm zeroing in on maybe coming to see her from Nov 2-5 and we'd go to the Indianapolis Colts game on the 4th. And of course I had to make sure baseball would be over and if the world series goes to a 7th game, it would be played on Nov 1. So I'm safe there too.
She told me that that date would work for her.

I have said before, I have known her for 9 years but yesterday she came out withsomething that shocked me but I'm very ok with.

(she had just gone through a drive through)
J: did you get me anything?
K: huh?
J: did you get me anything?
K: what do you mean?
J: where are you?
K: I'm at a Mc Donalds
J: right, so, did you get me anything?
K: oh *she laughs*
J: what did you get?
K: I got fries
J: that's all?
K: well, there isnt much I would eat there. I'm a vegitarian.
K: I thought you knew that?
J: When would you have told me?
K: about 6 years ago when I gave up meats.
J: well, who remembers 6 years ago? lol
K: You dont think less of me, do you?
J: Less? no way. I think more if anything. You wont make me try fish or chicken or things I'm not fond of.
(and we went into a convo about what we eat)
K: I bet you'll like veggy burgers
J: hmm I dont know about that
K: oh come on, they taste the same.
J: hmmm
K: I'm going to make you a veggy burger and I promase you'll like it.
J: especially when I put the ledis, tomato and onions on it.
K: *she laughs*
(she also mentioned a shepard's pie but has different types of beans and veggies instead of meats. she says I'll like that too. so she is already thinking of what she wants to cook for me.)

and the sexual side of Jonathan was burning cole too.
*looks around* right, this is my diary where I can say anything.
I heard but never did any research until today. AND YES, vegitarians "taste" sweeter

wow what a segway

Yom Kippur, the Holiest day of the Jewish year begins tonight and is a 26 hour plus fast eating or drinking, not even water. It is a time to pray and ask G-D for forgiveness for any wrong doing which you made during the past year. Of course, you should also ask forgiveness from each other as well.

If during the past year I have wronged or offended anyone either verbally or emotionally, I am deeply sorry and ask for your forgiveness. Likewise, if anyone did wrong by me, I forgive you.

Here's an acronym for confess:
C: confess without excuses. Be specific of what you're sorry for.
O: offer an apology that gives the idea that you're really sorry and that you won't do wrong again. Be sincere.
N: note the other persons pain and acknowledge that your actions were hurtful.
F: forever value your relationship and if you want to restore it, apologize with meaning.
E; equalize. Ask how you can make it up to that person.
S: say "never again" and mean that it won't happen again.
S: seek forgiveness. Ask the person whom you wronged for forgiveness directly, regardless of how difficult it can be.

May we all have an easy fast and a G'Mar Chatima Tovah, may you be sealed in the Book of Life.

So if I ever wronged you or made you anoyed, mad or angry or anything, please forgive me?

"I've made mistakes, I'm just a man" (bon jovi, Always)

previous entry: I'm old but can still bounce around

next entry: poem, Serman, Karen, redsox

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Me too. I'm sorry for anything I have done or anything I have failed to do as your friend. Pray for me.

[~Kimberly~|0 likes] [|reply]

I think someone has a crush!

[foreverglow|0 likes] [|reply]

I think someone is smitten and she sounds really great for you too. I love that she wants to help you out as much as she can!

[»Mrs. Evans«|0 likes] [|reply]

Sounds like she is into you

[Simply*Carlise|0 likes] [|reply]

Diary added to your faves.
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