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by AMH

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update on the dog


so we took my little girl to the vet a couple weeks ago, and it's fixable. she's got the less serious puppy mange, and it is being taken care of. they gave us ivermectrin and cephalexin(not sure on spelling, sorry), but the bad thing is that she will have this all her life. it is going to be a lifelong maintenance thing. we also have shampoo that we are supposed to bathe her with twice a week. she is doing so much better now. her fur is growing back pretty steadily, and she is so much more excitable and hyper. like a puppy lol. she is definitely feeling a lot better. has an attitude problem occasionally but overall such a good little girl. we take her back saturday for her two week checkup and med adjustment and everything, so that should be interesting. she has made such improvements lately. almost all the fur is back on her face, and it's coming back on the rest of her too. she doesn't smell so bad anymore either, and the dry scaly skin is almost completely gone. i will definitely be posting pictures when she is fully healed. i thank god for small blessings like this. he knows i need it. :/

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