Well, Tuesday was a very exciting day. We went to a ultra-sound and got to discover the sex of the baby. Sometimes I think, the further along in the pregnancy I get the worse I feel about where it's headed. Not really in the sense that I don't feel love for the child but that it just gets so complicated. I know, I know, IT DOES! Well anyway, we know the sex and it's a girl, however, i know with girls you may have that change, on account that if it is a boy they might be hiding their package. So that was very exciting, and I trully enjoyed seeing my baby and hearing her little heartbeat and watching her move. I can feel her sometimes now to, everyone says that it gets so much more crazy but it's already fairly crazy.
So anyway, why the complicated feelings? Simply put, we don't have a name. My husband and I had talked about names and I had one chosen but somehow it just doesn't fit anymore. The name I chose was: Raylene Elizabeth. It's a beautiful name and I love it. Something just doesn't make me say it is perfect! I don't know, so hubby and I have been working on finding a name that is perfect, but how do you do that? I mean honestly, where do people get these names that just fit their children? My parents have been avidly helping me and going through names as well, so many wonderful names, but only one fits correctly. Ah well, I know that God will point me in the right direction.
So to you all, I ask, send me some ideas! Something is bound to stick, even if I don't know the perfect name until she is born, i'll have ideas. |