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Bloop Hot or Not's Diary
by Bloop Hot or Not

previous entry: 194. Birrrdy

next entry: 196. Mr.Cyanide

195. Aiure



previous entry: 194. Birrrdy

next entry: 196. Mr.Cyanide

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[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

I love your eye colour =] but your eyebrows are like non-existent!

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That's because I have issues with really looooooooong curvy eyebrow hairs. They piss me off when they won't cooperate, and then I pluck them, and poof, no more eyebrow. lol

[AiureStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Well I think you're very pretty!

[*Amour De Bebe*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

If she didn't have the piercings she would be real cute.

[xsweetkisezxx|0 likes] [|reply]

The lip ring is fine, but the nose-ring, eh. Not a fan personally. Your eyes pierce my soul, however.

[Anonymous SourceStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah, the nosering is far too cliche now. I can't even count how many people (men and women) I've come across at work that have noserings. Needless to say, nose studs are our best seller at work. Sigh. I've had it for over 10 years, though, so it's kinda grown on me, so to speak.

[AiureStar|0 likes] [|reply]

lose the peircings, they distract from your pretty face

[Cass|0 likes] [|reply]

That is what happens to my emo eyebrows when I try to pluck them too!

You look like you've been stabbed in the nose with a knife, and it's gone all the way through, so the tip is poking out! But, like, I'm old and old fashioned, and totally out of touch with the nuances and appeal of piercings! Like, how do you drink with those lip rings, yo? How do your lips make a proper seal around the glass? Do you dribble?

And aw, gosh, your eyes are piercing Chris's soul! That is so cute, yo! You do indeed have very expressive eyes! Don't pierce them!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[Estella the ElderStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I like the nose piercing, but not the lip piercings. Your eye color is beautiful and I love the eyebrows.

[CrystalShapedHeart |0 likes] [|reply]

can't really see the picture. maybe it's my computer. i'd say hot, but maybe get a ball for your lip ring? it has to be constantly falling out otherwise - right? at least mine is without a ball holding it together. haha.

[spinnerette|0 likes] [|reply]

I actually prefer lip rings without the ball. I remove all my piercings before I shower or wash my face (which is something a lot of people don't do), and I hate fiddling with those godawful beads all the time.

[AiureStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: 194. Birrrdy

next entry: 196. Mr.Cyanide

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