I'm about this close to telling her.
The lines are way too regular to come from a cat. And despite their location and how much she fiddles with those damned bracelets... it's not an incidental thing.
I know.
I've been there.
And all I want to do is hug her.
Aphenphosmphobia be damned.
I can kind of understand the Aphenphosmphobia. I HATE people touching me. I'm not really afraid of it per say. I just don't like to be touched. My mom told me when I was little I wanted to sit on her lap all the time but I wouldn't let her touch me or hug me or anything, she said it use to rip her heart out. It makes me feel really bad now.
My stepson doesn't like hugs and stuff. He's better now than he used to be. Don't feel bad about it, as a parent you care more about your child feeling happy than about how much you want to give them a hug, and if you understand your child is happy as long as you don't hug them then it's ok.