It has been a pretty quiet day. I worked last night. When I got home we made Chicken Sandwiches
for breakfast, then watched tv for an hour and I slept from 8:30 to
3:30. I'm currently battling a cold that has been going around our house
for the last couple weeks.
David had to work so I hung out with
the kids all night. We watched tv, played, made them dinner, and fed
Grant his baby food. So far he's had Sweet Potatoes, Applesauce and
Carrots, all of which he loves. Grant was being super clingy tonight.
His separation anxiety is hitting full force. It wasn't good enough for
me to be in the same room. Every time I put him down he'd crawl over to
me and cry until I picked him up, so needless to say he spent a lot of
time on my lap. I had a load of laundry to fold but he wasn't going to let that happen. I'll probably do it tomorrow since David will be home.
has learned a new song at preschool, about the days of the week to the
tune of The Addams Family theme song, so he's been singing that.
is going through a phase where she wants to help us with everything,
which is nice, but also annoying because she gets mad if I happen to
forget and just do something myself.
Anyway now I'm at work eating a sub and cookies David made for me at work (be jealous)! Tonight
is one of the nights I work 12 hours. Don't have any plans for tomorrow
except sleeping, and going to the store to pick up baby wipes, and
possibly fold and put away the last load of laundry. |