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Tell a stranger that they're beautiful.
by Brittney™
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Tell a stranger that they're beautiful.
by Brittney™

previous entry: the big, big bang. the reason i'm alive,

every second counts on the clock that's ticking . `


we gotta live like we're dying. <3

Well. I think it's safe to say that I'm a complete and total failure about documenting my life. Another semester of college came and went and now I'm 5 weeks into my 4th semester in college. Life moves so quickly, it's hard to keep up! Anyway, lowdown on what happened last semester:

I took 16 credits. Died a bit. Failed miserably at Media Arabic. Failed miserably at my life. Joined a sorority (I know, WTF!?, right?). Got a 3.025 GPA. Was super depressed. Still kind of depressed. Raised over $9,000 at work. Yeah... that's about it.

This semester is going much better, though! I dropped a class, so I only have 13 credits, and I'm taking Arabic 202, Arabic 301 (Conversation/Levantine Arabic), Communications 302 (small group com) and Film Culture 225. The lowest grade I've gotten on a test/quiz thus far is an 89%! I'm so proud of myself. I feel better, but I still think I'm going to go see a psychologist. Amanda and I talked last night and I think it's for the best. Oh, by the way...


Yes, I'm SO incredibly excited. Like, seriously, SOOOOO excited! And then after I go to Jordan, I plan on going to Lebanon to stay with my cousins/family for a week or two! I'm. So. Excited. Seriously. Cannot contain my excitement.

Well, I have to go do my Arabic homework. I just wanted to give an update that shows that I'm not dead or anything. I'll update again soon!

...who am I kidding, it'll probably be another 10 months before I update. #mylife

previous entry: the big, big bang. the reason i'm alive,

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That's so awesome! I'm pretty sure you're gonna have a wonderful time. Where are you gonna be studying exactly? Maybe we could meet up. =]

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I didn't get the last bit about where you'll be staying. You must've typed it in Arabic and Bloop turned it into some weird symbols. Try typing it again. Or type it in English letters.

I study at UJ but I won't have classes during the summer. The campus is about 10 minutes away from where I live though. =] During which month will you be there?

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh Al Ballouti isn't far from campus. =]

This semester ends May 31st so you'll see people freaking out about finals the first couple of weeks of your stay then it will be dead because we have a break until around June 20th before the summer semester starts for those who decide to take it. =]

Lebanon is so beautiful! I've only been there once but I loved it. I can imagine how excited you must be!

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh I know what you mean about the plane ride! I suffered on my way to Canada. You should make sure you're sleep-deprived before you get on the plane, get a window seat and sleep for most of the way. =P Gotta love how on your first time going overseas you're travelling half the way across the world.

Don't be nervous. Just be prepared for annoying guys coz in Jordan you can't walk down the street without hearing cat calls from almost half the guys around lol Just ignore and walk on. They're friendly. =P

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Just make sure you send me your contact number once you're in Jordan and we'll find each others. =]

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh welcome to Jordan! =] أهلا و سهلا

I hope the weather isn't killing you because it's killing me. =P and we have to meet up! I know all the best food places. xD

Here's my number 079-575-6166 text me or something so we can be in touch. I'm going through the busiest 2 weeks of my life right now but I'll be done with everything on the 26th.

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I love Um Qais! Have a wonderful time there while I slave away at my projects. =P Looking forward to meeting you. =]

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Shokran! =]
I'm going to be totally free this week. Except for a couple of shopping trips and hang outs with friends. I'll be waiting for your text. =]

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I forgot to tell you that I'm going abroad for an internship in a few days. I'm leaving for Tunisia on June 4th. I hope we can meet up before then.

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Actually, nevermind the above comment I just switched phones so you can still text me. =P

Gotta love how I'm having a conversation with myself on your entry. =P

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That is so awesome about getting to study in Jordan and visit Lebanon. Also, I read you met a fellow Blooper =] Hope to see update with more details and pics!

"No good deed goes unpunished.."

[Bellatrix-Lestrange|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: the big, big bang. the reason i'm alive,

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