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Tell a stranger that they're beautiful.
by Brittney™

previous entry: she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb...

next entry: Saying goodbye is a hard thing to do ` <3

Ugh. :/


So Emotional

I knew it was coming, but I started my period today. I'm so overemotional and handling stress right now definitely isn't the best thing.

It's finals week, the most stressful time of year in a college student's life. I've actually managed everything well thus far and I'm pretty much on track with where I wanted to be. However, being overemotional, everything seems elevated, heightened and more stressful. I just cannot wait to be home with my friends and family, my mom and Sito's cooking, my cats, I just don't even know.

I worked tonight. A half shift. It was an optional shift, and so optional it was. It was me and one other girl, Paige. So we called, talked, it was really relaxing and fun. I'm so glad I went. I work again tomorrow from 10-2. We'll see how happy I'm going to be after that. My first final is tomorrow too, but it should be really easy. It's for speech and we just have to re-do one of our speeches that we had given prior.

Jordyn hasn't been here since Friday and I miss having her here. I know it's only been 4 days, but it's so weird being in the dorm by myself, and I miss her laughter and jokes, I feel like she'd be able to keep me calm and grounded right now. So glad she's coming back tomorrow.

Did I mention that I want to go home?

This is probably a rambling mess. I need to do homework... ):

Love Bipolar Inc

previous entry: she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb...

next entry: Saying goodbye is a hard thing to do ` <3

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I know when you're on your period, you're pretty much just like FUCK EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ELSE but I know you're going to do amazing! You're so smart, Brit and you know what...fuck your body. Make it your bitch. Tell it that it has to suck up just this once. You deal with it's shit every month and this time, it's your turn. You are going to ace your finals and go home and look on the bright're getting all the horrible shit out of the way now so that way when you go home, you'll have another 28 days to worry about your period and can just relax and focus on being home Good luck, luff you <3

[Kelsey Lynn xox|0 likes] [|reply]

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