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Work at McDonalds.
No joke, I realized it yesterday.
I was hanging out with Christy and we went to the one on Heart street.
And Wade works there.
My love works at the one on 6th, as well as Christy, David, and a LOT of other people.
And Kevin is getting hired at the one in Indy.
Yay for McDonalds.
Yesterday I felt pretty good about my day.
Other than it being about 200 outside and me almost dieing in the Heart street McDonalds.
I had one hell of a good day.
Me and Christy decided to start cleaning the apartment that she's going to be getting.
After we left Walmart, we went to her moms and got some cleaning stuff.
Then we went to McDonalds and I got to see Jake.
Then we went to MY moms to get more cleaning shit.
And we cleaned the FUCK out of that place.
It looked pretty good when we were done.
And then the dogs shit and pissed...
Making us a little sad.
We're going to help Kami find a home for hers.
She decided that she doesn't want it anymore I guess.
He's SO pretty.
Kind of makes me sad.
Because I know that I can't have him.
Tonight we're going to Davids for some kind of Dinner/Murder party.
I've never been to one of those before so it should be interesting.
And right now at this moment, my stomach is upset and i'm thinking about stuff.
I kind of wanted to blog about it earlier.
But now... not so much.
Maybe I will later, who knows.
But i'm going to take a shower I guess.
SO.. this is all for now.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.