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Doing my best...That's all I can do.
by Just_live

previous entry: At least half of the people I know...

next entry: Isn't it something

And Grape Face is.......*drum roll*


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A BOY!!!!!!!
That's right, i'm having a beautiful baby boy.
We found out yesterday.

He's still growing perfectly.
And he's still doing just great.
Zachary Aiden is what his name will be.

I started crying when they told me.
And Jake was shaking a LOT.

We've told pretty much everyone, except my dad.
And his dad actually.
They're both douche bags.

Yesterday we got a couple numbers to a few houses.
We're going to call them tomorrow and see what happens.
That's pretty much it for now.


love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.


previous entry: At least half of the people I know...

next entry: Isn't it something

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Wow thats great!
I'm really happy for you!
good luck with everything.

[Broken_inside|0 likes] [|reply]

awesome!! yay for boyness!!!

[BrownEyedMonkeyStar|0 likes] [|reply]


[J♥meStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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