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Doing my best...That's all I can do.
by Just_live
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Doing my best...That's all I can do.
by Just_live

previous entry: Ultra sound

next entry: The weirdest night, biggest fight, and how things turne

I'm doin it, doin it, doin it well


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Welp, We got to go and walk Kali yesterday.
It was fun, that dog loves puddles.
I should call her Sheba.
But it's to weird.

Pom Pom is doing amazing.
She gets a long really well with Artemis.
Weird thing is, she kind of makes me feel like I have Sissy back.
I know she isn't her, she doesn't even look like her.
But she's stuck to my side when she isn't playing with Artemis.
And just the way that she acts kind of reminds me of her.
So it kind of heals one little hole in my heart. <3

Right now i'm waiting to go to Roberts house.
He's getting a book for me today and I have to give him the money for it.

Last night it was suppose to storm really bad.
And the lady that runs this place has like 14 baby ducks out in the pond.
They're all caged in because they have no momma.
And I was worried about them, so Jake walked down there with me in the rain so we could check on them.
They all swam to the side of the cage that we were by when we got there.
It was really cute.

But yes, things are going pretty great.
Jake's coming to get me now, he's on his break.
So I have to cut this short.


love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.


previous entry: Ultra sound

next entry: The weirdest night, biggest fight, and how things turne

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