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More To Me Than What Meets The Eyes
by I Can Only Imagine
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More To Me Than What Meets The Eyes
by I Can Only Imagine

previous entry: I Never Should Have Crossed It

next entry: You Walk Away, I Walk Away

It's The Tragedy of Loving


Sometimes I wonder what the point of fighting is even for? I just don't get it. Things were going great and all the sudden out of no where he's going off that me and threatening to dump me on the phone and I don't even know why. I'm really confused about it all. We had an amazing few days together and out of no where today he's mad at me and hangs the phone up on me while talking to him. I called him back and asked him to call me on my cell phone and he hasn't yet.

I am really trying to get him the benefit of the doubt but it's really hard when this kind of behavior reminds me of a small child. If I made him mad by doing something or saying something than he should at least let me know in a mature and adult manner. Not ranting and raving on the phone to me and blaming me for things I'd never said or did.

I love him, yes but no matter how much I love a person if you accuse me of things I didn't do, I most definitely will be a bitch back to you. Maybe in time I will be sorry if I say things that should not have been said. But when it comes to what just happened between Dave and I, I know that I was treated wrongly and unfairly. And that isn't right or fair to me.

Part of me just wants to pick up the phone and scream at him like he just screamed at me. But I know that isn't going to solve anything. My best bet is to stop whining in this entry and grab my car keys and go to his house and face him face to face. I know that's the best idea but it doesn't help that I am livid and just want to throttle him emotionally like he just throttled me. But two wrongs do not make the right. If I have learned anything from the situation with Charles it is that. So even though he may have mistreated me does not mean that I'm going to mistreat him.

Give me the strength to hold my tongue and anger when I see him because deep down I know that we have a very good thing that I don't want to see destroyed.

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previous entry: I Never Should Have Crossed It

next entry: You Walk Away, I Walk Away

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