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More To Me Than What Meets The Eyes
by I Can Only Imagine
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More To Me Than What Meets The Eyes
by I Can Only Imagine

previous entry: It's The Tragedy of Loving

next entry: I Break Apart

You Walk Away, I Walk Away


Last I left off I was gonna go to his house and ask him what the deal was. But nothing is as simple as it seems. On my way out towards my car I ran into my stalker also known as Charles my ex fiancé. He actually wanted to talk and I didn't, not that I ever want talk to him but last night I had some were to be and he was getting in my way like he always does. Of course Charles and I got into it again, it involved calling the cops and doing the usual drama with him. By the time I got to Dave's house I was more angry and upset than before.

Not only did I have to deal with the emotional bullshit that Dave threw at me but then the physical and emotional bullshit that Charles throws at me almost every night. I don't know why but when I finally got to Dave's house and saw him I was hysterical and crying. Not once did my own boyfriend reach out and try to confort me but he continued to go off on me about something as stupid as his stupid haircut that I supposedly forced him to get. Off tangent here for a bit, I did tell Dave that I refused to be with a man that had longer hair than me. I didn't think it was an odd request then I still think it's an odd request. He can take it in any way that he sees but I have some standards that I am sticking to and if he doesn't like it honestly that is not my problem. Every relationship I've been in I have put down my standards and wants for the man I was dating not this time. And I made this very clear to him before we agreed to start dating again.

Honestly that's besides the point though. I do not care who I am mad at but if I see them upset and crying like I was in front of him all bets are off. I will swallow my anger and comfort them because that's the humane thing they do. Because that's what I would want someone to do for me if I were that upset which I was. Long story short left his house in tears and in the midst of our conversation. He may think it was immature of me but it was the only thing I could do to refrain from saying things that I know I would regret later on.

Fast forward to today. We were talking through yahoo chat when he told me that we should walk away when we get angry so that we don't say things will regret. He was so lucky that I was talking to him through chat at work and can't go off on him. It got intense for a moment but I stood my ground. I am not in the wrong for anything that happened last night. I walked away from him so I wouldn't hurt him with things that I could've said in anger and to tell me I need to do that when I already did just that is absurd. Maybe I was a bitch about it but I simply said that he needed to take his own advice which he does. He may not like to hear it but I only speak the truth.

After work I spent some time with him and he did apologize for being an asshole. And actually told him I forgave him because that's all I can do. I can either accept him for who he is or not accept him and end the relationship. I think it's obvious what choice I made. I did tell him however the next time he has a bad day doesn't give him permission to rip me to shreds. I think he understood me and hopefully we can move on from this but only time will tell.

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previous entry: It's The Tragedy of Loving

next entry: I Break Apart

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