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More To Me Than What Meets The Eyes
by I Can Only Imagine
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More To Me Than What Meets The Eyes
by I Can Only Imagine

previous entry: Darling Did You Wait For Me!?!

next entry: Maybe It's My Fault This Time

Sometimes I Just Ramble


I am overwhelmed by the great support that I have gotten for not only going public and sharing my story and Dave’s story. It’s times like now that people amaze me and make me realize that God is truly at work and is bringing great things in my life.

Things have been bad for me for a long while but I choose not to obsess over it and feel sorry for myself because I took that route for the six and half years I was with Charles and it got me no where but feeling worse than anything. I choose now to be happy, upbeat and optimistic about things. Grant it, there are times in my life that I can not be and I get down but I try not to allow that to happen very much.

Some of you asked, if either Dave and I were in therapy. When I moved back from Washington on February 21, I was in a psychiatrist /psychologist office the next day and have been in therapy since then. So it will be six months I have been in therapy this coming weekend. I know that my therapy, along with my faith in God, my loving family, amazing friends and support from Dave that is my saving grace. I truly am blessed and when I look back to how my life was a year ago, I am shocked that I ever could be this happy and stable with myself.

Unfortunately Dave does not believe in therapy, he does not knock me down for believing in it but he just refuses to believe that it works for him because it never worked for him in the past. He gets down on himself more than ever, has these mood swings that are erratic and give me whip lash sometimes. Like for example earlier today, we were talking while I was at work through email that he was having a melt down and getting down on himself for acting like a jerk months and months ago. Then when I saw him tonight, he was fine and happy. Maybe that’s not weird but to me it seems like it is. Who knows those, maybe it’s just me.

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previous entry: Darling Did You Wait For Me!?!

next entry: Maybe It's My Fault This Time

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