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Stuck in a shell that is unbreakable...
by Cameron's Mommy

previous entry: Awww

next entry: I'm boring...

New Beginings...


So Tuesday the 11th was the last day at Mallside. I was never so happy to have the weight of that job lifted off my shoulders. When I gave my notice they could have cared less. I know I work damn hard, but why try when you aren't appreciated?

I worked day in and day out - put my family second and my job first when it should NEVER be that way. Thank GOD my boss knew my potential and asked me to join her team at the new property she was hired at.

See my boss, Nancy, has felt the same as me for quite sometime, and herself, me and one maintenance guy all gave notice on the same day. Little did they know we were all going to another property TOGETHER. I am finally leaving the world of "affordable housing" aka low income and going to LUXERY!!!! I will not even know what to do with myself. No more mountains of paperwork to qualifiy new and exsisting residents any longer...ahhhh life is good. Oh and get this - BETTER HOURS, and WAY BETTER PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris stated his 2nd job tonight. Its driving a taxi called the Wahooptie. They are really well known around here and pretty much a party taxi. He has already had quite an evening of entertainment. He likes it Good money and just carting drunk people around, sounds like fun to me...

Well enough about me. I hope everyone is doing well.

previous entry: Awww

next entry: I'm boring...

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I'm glad you got out of that job, then!

[The Only Blitch.|0 likes] [|reply]

Random; Lmfao, I want your husband's job!! :] Glad you like your new job better, too!

[♥always, jes.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Glad you got the job! And yay for fun less stressful jobs!

[Cowboy|0 likes] [|reply]

I may have to call for a taxi now!! HEHE

[♥, Julie™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Yay! for a new job that is WAY better. Wahooooooptie! That gets me everytime I see it. lol

[ThatDarnMirandaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck with your new job! Sounds like it is going to be a big improvement!

ryc: I was in labor for about about 9 hours. Your labor sounds awful, yikes!

[Junebug Jenny|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: I'm boring...

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