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by ceruleandolphin

previous entry: Hello, My name is Beth

next entry: The Mandy/Donna/Villy Survey

He never ceases to amaze me.


James that is...

Today he decided to play the tuba. yea there isnt a whole lot more you can say to that so he is going to take band next year and play the..... tuba. band great tuba....great at his dads house.

also and more importantly, he amazed me with his concern for his great grandmother. Her house is on the way home from his school so as we were driving he said "Mom I saw tree limbs on Granny Switzer's drive way this afternoon on the way home from school. Can we stop and move them.?"

My ex's grandmother raised him. I love her to death and frankly she is a gem. I told James we would stop and see what was going on. Sure enough the storm had knocked down tree limbs last night, good sized ones and they blocked the entire width of her drive way.

She is 87 this year and frankly I was worried that Heaven Forbid anything happen the squad would not be able to get to her.

So I called her from the drive way, she is almost blind now and I did not want to scare her by just haphazzardly moving stuff on her property. I let her know what was going on and James and I set about moving the limbs.

There were three and that boy helped me pick all of them up. THEY WERE HUGE and long and HEAVY!

She came out on the porch so I went to talk to her while James was moving some of the smaller ones. She could not see them and did not know they were blocking the drive way at all. Infact she had not been out of the house for almost a week now.


She told James she would give him some money for doing that. God bless his heart he tried to give it back but she said to get a hot dog or something with it.

He then got the broom and told me if he was getting paid it was going to be done right and commenced to sweep the drive way free of any debris.

He is such a little man, I was so proud of him.

previous entry: Hello, My name is Beth

next entry: The Mandy/Donna/Villy Survey

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aw that is so great of him =) he sounds like my little brother is now...even though is probab0ly isnt as young as James! *random*

[fears.on.fireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Pagan tag

What an awesome young man you have there xoxo

[~*Pagan*~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

What a beautiful young man you are raising!!

[.Blue Bella.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

That is so sweet!

[Villy|0 likes] [|reply]

What an amazing young man.
I've got a nearly 21 yr old living in my house that wouldn't go outside to move a limb from in front of MY (or his dad's) car if we didn't offer to pay him first to do it! (sigh)
Good work mom!

[*Stealth Bombshell*|0 likes] [|reply]

My goodness that just gave me the warm fuzzies, that is awesome and amazing. you can tell him you have friends in Aus that think he's a very special boy for being so wonderful to his Granny. and a late RYN: I would LOVE to see you here. anytime you make it, let me know and Ill make sure I can be where youre headed.

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

A son to be proud of

~ Hugs ~

[just del|0 likes] [|reply]

A son to be proud of

~ Hugs ~

[just del|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: The Mandy/Donna/Villy Survey

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