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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573


Alphabet Survey

stealing will give credit, thanks!


Alphabet Survey


Sunday somethings


81 Q's before bed.

Aerosmith's I Don't Want to Miss a Thing


81 Q's before bed.

RYC: Yes, I am going to go to the GP and try and get an MRI as soon as possible. Even if nothing's wrong, it would make me feel better.

[Falling To Pieces]

81 Q's before bed.


150 Q's because it's gonna be that kind of day

RYC: We used to have a cat called Sima. We had her since she was a little kitten until she grew big but she got run over by a car and died and we were so sad we never got another pet!!! I'd really love to have another one but dad doesn't want any pets in the house! That's why I'm always playing with the kittens at my uncles


*checks watch* 6 hours, 15 mins to go!


Who are you again?


One more before I have to go back to work.

I learned how to say "Where is the bathroom?" in Spanish when I was about 7, but I wouldn't understand the answer. LoL

Aww that's so sweet you and Chris have a movie night. What'd you guys watch?

LOL #35 brings up sooo many dirty thoughts...

[Moonlight Sonata]

11 days? Surely not! ...well, I guess it has been, huh?

Hey you have a Zen in your life, too! Cool.

Sorry you lost that quote.

LOL @ having your name tattooed.

Haha so this survey's all for me, huh?

[Moonlight Sonata]

One more before I have to go back to work.


I started this a couple of weeks ago. I guess I should finish it.

Seriously thought I'd commented this. O-o

Wow, you've never had a nosebleed?? I averaged one at least once a month as a kid. I was petrified of them up til I was about 14.

Aww that's great you get to go home in November.

Wii is awesome, you have to try it!

10 days without a survey??

[Moonlight Sonata]

I started this a couple of weeks ago. I guess I should finish it.

I was already morally opposed to the idea of the light rail when they started building it.

Mind you...I would've been fine with an L-Train. It's the ground level stoopidity (which has proven to cause accidents already & more traffic congestion that I am opposed to.)

BUT...then I was living / working downtown during the construction.

I HATE the Light Rail. I wrote a Blues Song about it...........


I started this a couple of weeks ago. I guess I should finish it.


Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

RYC: Well, it all depends on what you want to do with it.

If you want to make it the main computer:
Get something with a lot of RAM, a HUGE hard-drive, and a heavy-duty processor (like a dual or quad-core of 2.2 GB or better). Make sure it has a DVD-RW or Writable Bluray, wireless networking as well as wired, and lots of USB ports (like 3)

If you're just using it to surf the internet or check email when you're out of the house, get a net-book. They're not as big, they don't have a lot of power, and they're reasonably priced. AND, that's exactly what they're built for.

Of course, you may be looking for something in-between, you can negotiate the details.

I'd shoot for something reasonably light weight (less than 4lbs if you can swing it), with a bit of power.

Let me know if that helps.

[The Venerable Pooh]

Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

Well happy belated anniversary!

Haha, Frasier is great. Niles and Martin are the best. Glad I made ya laugh.

Well damn, happy belated birthday, too!! I hope it was great!

RYC: Thank you for the very sweet comment! That really made me smile, I appreciate it.

[Moonlight Sonata]

Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

And I would cry if I was the only one who wasn't in the family picture coz I wasn't able to be there =P


Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

RYC: I'm glad you finally received the postie =]


Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

Happy Birthday

[survey this]

Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

I just read your frontpage and think that is such a sweet story; it's so great that you got your "happy ending" after all.

I also wanted to say Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good one, despite maybe having words with your MIL.

[Falling To Pieces]

Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!


Some Saturday Survey Sweetheart Swipage! Sweet!

Ah okay.


The next couple of days

this might sound dumb but is DFW&Lambert name of the airports??


The next couple of days


Diary added to your faves.
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