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by The Avon Lady

i;ve tried to contact bloop support about resetting my password so i can access bloop on a different computer and it times out and i tried when logged into this computer and nothing either. is there no bloop support anymore?

Username is Webby

Email on account is 

Request to change password get email is sent and then no email appears in my spam or inbox folder from bloop. so i can only access my bloop on a computer with the login info saved and no way to change it. because im not getting the change password email!?


 How do i get my password reset?


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Flashback Time Woah.
by I Fear Who I Am Beco

FLASHBACK: The last time I ran out of my meds was because they forced me, in Michigan and I was stuck at that house, and the only thing that helped was alcohol, whiskey to be exact, and I had to hide the amount I was drinking just to be okay to calm down. I was held hostage like stolkholm syndrome really because every day i was with her driving past the hospital and yet i didnt have my medicine so didnt have ANY guts without it and i didnt just jump out and get my ass into the hospital and get them to give me my meds. every day i smiled back at her when i really wanted to smash her and all their faces in cept for the kids of course. and they used them againt me cuz those 2 little girls loved me and would come and both be in my lap when the mother went ape shit which was always and screamed and hollered and id rock them abck and forth, hiding my own trauma that was happening, hiding the whiskey in the closet, begging God to forgive me for going there in the first place. they wouldnt take me back to her moms, they took me to the middle of nowhere and said they werent keepoing me which was technically true but it was miles and miles and miles in middle of nowhere, after promising me they wouldnt keep me againt my will and woudl take me back if i wanted to go back. but when i asked to go back, nope. so i went out to work with her every day she was a door dash person and every day i should have jumped outta the car but i was in full time withdrawal from the lyrica. oh my god.

I have spoken privately to some people about all of this but havent really said anything publicly till now. Earlier this year I was psychologically manipulated and tortured and I finally see it. Telling someone God said to do such and such but making the person believe its their choice, telling them HEY YOU HAVE FREE WILL BUT IF YOU DONT DO THIS THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE WRATH OF GOD AND THE CONSEQUENCES FROM HIM. I lived for MONTHS under this kinda programming and had no medication and no outside contact that could actually help me. I was stuck ina place I could not get away from and tho was not technically held hostage its the same damn thing. Constant pressure to follow the ' Lord ' and God help ya if you dont do what He says. Wrath and anger and brimstone is NOT THE GOD I KNOW. Nor would I want to. Stockholm syndrome kicked in at one point because I was taken ina vehicle every day ina city but without my one medication I was a scared little mouse and unable to think clearly or make decisions AT ALL. The day I was told I would not be taken to the hospital because ' THE LORD ' didnt say to, was the last straw, I knew Ihad to get help. And I did. And the two people who came and rescued me will probably read this and I wont name drop but I have tears in my eyes as I say thanks. I think I would have died in that house if you had not come. And these people say all kindsa things about me, but two wrongs dont make a right and I seriously am grateful to not be there today. Thank you God.


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Dancing on dust motes
by vatten m�

Holy cow!  It has been since May of 2023 since I have posted.  Honestly, so much has happened in life since then.  Some good and some....not so good.  I guess that is life.


So, in case you need an update, I am in my 5th year of teaching art.  I have 2 more months to teach until summer break.  I still enjoy it.  Update done there.  Haha.


The past 2 months, I have been working (aka: getting paid VS. volunteering) at the local art gallery at which I usually volunteer.  They have a program for area school kids in 3rd grade to come in and experience art.  They look at art, talk about art, and make art of some kind.   This year, they got to look at art by Ardith Goodwin.  She wrote a fantasy type book for kids around the made up world of Ardithian.   She also created all the artwork for the book.  Her artwork is very colorful and imaginative.  The kids also got to join in on the "mystery room".  They made their own vimispheres which then became the sunset around the made up world of Spivithia in a gallery all their own.  They had a great time seeing that come to life.  Heck, I enjoyed seeing it all come to life.  They also wrote their own Zine story about "A Day in the Art Gallery".  I lloved hearing some of their fun stories. 


We have had WAY too much snow.  I may be exaggerating, but I was tempted to build a series of Inuksuk figures in the tundra of my yard.  It has been bitterly cold.  I am not a winter person or a cold weather person.  Snow and Ice are dirty words to me.  You get an immediate reaction to both of those words and it is not positive.  Haha.  On the up side, I did get an official snow day for the first time since college....several times.  I have been working my ass of these past few months so it was nice.  For those who do not know, I usually only work 2 jobs and volunteer once a week.   I have literally been working 4 jobs these past 2 months.  Yike-a-roonies!  I know I am crazy.  You do not have to tell me. 


I think part of the reason I have kept crazy busy is because I am still grieving for my grandmother.  She died in August.  She is one of "Rocks of Gibraltar" who raised me.  Now, both of my grandparents are gone on my mother's side.  I feel so lost without them.  I had them in my life for 42 years of my life so it is weird with them not being there to call.  With the exception of the past 2-3 months, I have been busy putting together a printed version of my maternal line of genealogy.  I started that in August, at the request of my aunts/uncle.  It was extremely hard to deal with in the beginning because I was triggered by so may things regarding my grandparents.  It wasn't only my grandparents who triggered me.  I also lost 2 other family members.  My cousin, Emma, died in August of 2023.  A year to the date of her death, my brother in law, Brad, passed away from cancer.  

My sister has been a complete and utter pill to swallow for the past 5 years....for many reasons (and to many people).  I love her but that is the stark truth.  Yes, she can be a pill on a good day (we all can be) but she has not been herself for too long now.  I worry about her.  I miss my sister....she needs to come back to the family. 


My niece, Hailey, is expecting her first child this summer.  I am so excited for her and wish the best for the both of them.  Let's just say that I am over the moon that the baby daddy is not in the picture anymore.  I will leave it at that.....haha.  She is expecting a little boy.  He will be my great nephew.  Sadly, haha, I am a great aunt several times over.  This is the first time on my maternal side however.  


Well, I think my brain has lost all its words for a moment.  It did only get 6.5 hours of sleep and I have worked all day long.  Then, I went to a teacher's meeting and ran errands.  The day is not done.  My brother is about to get a belated birthday call.  His birthday was yesterday, but I have plans for him today....buahahahaha....


I will shut up and dance way on the dust motes that are my thoughts.....--Your friendly neighborhood ballerina, Robyn

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Lazy Saturday...
by Cemetery Dawn 🪦

So, today, I will just relax, already did my computer maintenance. I had myself a morning catnap... well, slumped over the computer is more like it! 😁😁😁😁

I will play the Sims... I put the stories everywhere but I think that I will put them here too.


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I'm back...
by Cemetery Dawn 🪦

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I was just thinking about past blogs I have had, and I was trying to remember this one... I finally remembered lol...

I need to update the visualization and the front page, but hey... all in due time. :P

Is anyone still using BD???

Or am I just screaming into the abyss?


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The United States is under a Coup by Elon Musk and 6 teenagers. It is so bizarre living in this timeline. The United States of America has fallen. Trump also wants to kick Mexican-Americans out too...It is insane here. Elon Musk got protection from the Department of Justice so we are screwed. The Democrats are also useless, I swear the people who voted Trump in, I hope they die an excruciating death. I will edit this as I get more news.
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I just saw this on the main page just now and it made me chuckle because I'm currently binging on the Hatred of Vessel DLC from Diablo 4. This game holds a special place in my heart.

I advise AGAINST buying transactions. It is against the guidelines and would put your account at risk. Gold isn't difficult to come by in the game. Do the quests, Whispers, Helltides, etc.. and it will pile up.

Image attached is of my beloved character with their adorable pet tiger cub and its Mama <3
NOJOMO 2024 Final Results

And NOJOMO is over!!! Thank you to everyone who participated this year. I personally started off pretty well but struggled at the end. Hopefully participating in NOJOMO has helped get the writing juices flowing again for some of us!

As a reminder, the prize list is as follows:

Write at least 1 entry for 30 days: 3 free months of Bloop Xtra
Write at least 1 entry for 15+ days: 1 free month of Bloop Xtra

The participant(s) who wrote for all 30 days and wins 3 Free Months of Bloop Xtra are:

Froggy Frogerson

The participant(s) who wrote 15+ days and wins 1 free month of Bloop Xtra are:

Greta Garbage 23
squish 23
His Brown Eyed Girl 16

Congratulations!!! Steve will be doling out prizes soon! Until next year!
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by NOJOMO 2024

I'm running this thing and I lost LMAO!!! Free Write Friday! One more day to go!
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by NOJOMO 2024

Free Writing Wednesday! I should have gotten on this morning but I was very tired and forgot to do it. 3 more days to go!

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by NOJOMO 2024
Free For All

The day got away from me! Free write Tuesday! :P
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by NOJOMO 2024

5 more days to go!

Write about a new experience or activity you tried this week. How did it make you feel?
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by NOJOMO 2024

Think about a relationship that has changed over time and reflect on how it has evolved.
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by NOJOMO 2024

Write about a new experience or activity you tried this week. How did it make you feel?
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Good game, everyone
by OKSoNowImAngry

So that's it, then. Millions of my countrymen couldn't be arsed to show up on Election day, and that's ballgame.I'm hearing people talking about how to get through the next 4 years, how we're going to take it all back in 2028, how we're going to reverse all of his damage. I've been hearing people at risk talking about getting out, to Canada or perhaps overseas. 
    Problem is, there's nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. We're years, perhaps months away from irrevocable permanent harm being done to the ecosystem. And he's been perfectly clear that he wants to do as much harm to the environment as possible. Hell, if he could figure out a way to require everyone to drive coal-powered cars he'd jump at the chance. There's not going to be any "going back" or fixing it. We're cooked. Literally. Well played, folks. But hey, maybe eggs will be a little cheaper for a month or two. That was worth it, right?


And yeah, I know that the majority of people on this long-forgotten site are below the legal voting age. And I'm sorry that the older generations, mine included, have failed you so very badly. I just have literally nowhere else I can express this stuff. Feel free to just move along and write me off as another elderly wackadoo. 


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by NOJOMO 2024
Hi! Heads Up!

Today is my last day of work and then we have 1 week off for Thanksgiving. I usually post daily prompts when I get in to work in the wee hours of the morning but I'll be sleeping in for 9 days so prompts may come late.


If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
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by NOJOMO 2024

Write a short story based on a dream you had recently.
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by NOJOMO 2024

Write a letter to your future self, describing where you hope to be in five years and what steps you need to take to get there.
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by NOJOMO 2024

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
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by NOJOMO 2024

Write a short story based on a dream you had recently.
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by NOJOMO 2024

Make a list of your favorite childhood memories. Choose one and write a detailed description of the event and why it was meaningful to you.
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by NOJOMO 2024

Write a letter to someone that you always want to thank but have never had the chance to do so.
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by NOJOMO 2024

Make a list of all the things that make you feel happy and joyful. Choose one and write about why it brings you joy.
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by NOJOMO 2024
Checking In

Just about halfway through NOJOMO, how is everyone doing? Writing everyday can be hard (I've missed a couple of days myself) but hopefully this challenge is helping rev you back up to writing again!


If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
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by NOJOMO 2024

If you could be any character from a book or movie, who would you choose and why?
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by NOJOMO 2024

Write a letter of gratitude to someone who has had a positive impact on your life.
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by NOJOMO 2024

I really suck! Sorry, no prompt today! I had the day off which threw me off! Prompt for Day 12 will be up in the morning!

Keep writing!
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by NOJOMO 2024

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
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by NOJOMO 2024

If you could talk to someone who passed away that you miss, a friend or family member, what would you say to them?
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by NOJOMO 2024

If you could live in any city or country in the world for a year, where would you go and what would you do?
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by NOJOMO 2024

Imagine that you have just won a million dollars. Write about what you would do with the money and how it would change your life.
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Forum: General Discussion
Hey... thanks. Sorry about the lapse. Forgot my login ha.
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Jianzhan tea bowls are a stunning representation of traditional Chinese ceramics, cherished for their unique artistry and historical significance. Originating from Jianyang in Fujian province during the Song Dynasty, these tea bowls are known for their exceptional glazes and intricate designs. For those seeking Jianzhan tea bowls for sale, you are embarking on a journey to own a piece of timeless elegance and cultural heritage.

The creation of Jianzhan tea bowls is a meticulous process, involving the use of iron-rich clay and high-temperature firing. This traditional craftsmanship results in the distinctive glaze effects, such as the mesmerizing oil spots and the elegant hare’s fur patterns. Each Jianzhan tea bowl is a unique piece of art, reflecting the artisan’s dedication and skill.

For those interested in purchasing these exquisite pieces, offers a diverse selection of authentic Jianzhan tea bowls. The website features a variety of Jianzhan tea bowls for sale, ensuring that you can find the perfect addition to your tea collection. Shopping at guarantees that you are acquiring high-quality, genuine Jianzhan tea bowls that embody the elegance and historical depth of this ancient art form.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, Jianzhan tea bowls provide practical benefits that enhance the tea-drinking experience. The iron-rich clay used in their creation offers excellent heat retention, keeping your tea warm for an extended period and allowing the flavors to develop fully. This combination of functionality and beauty makes Jianzhan tea bowls a valuable addition to any tea enthusiast’s collection.

By choosing Jianzhan tea bowls from, you connect with a rich cultural tradition while enhancing your tea rituals. Whether you are a seasoned collector or new to Jianzhan ceramics, these tea bowls provide a meaningful way to appreciate traditional craftsmanship and enjoy the timeless beauty of this ancient art.

Explore the collection of Jianzhan tea bowls for sale at to find the perfect piece for your tea collection. With a wide range of styles and designs available, you are sure to discover a tea bowl that complements your taste and enhances your tea-drinking experience.
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Dark and Darker developer Ironmace has persuaded a US court docket to dismiss the lawsuit that led to the myth extraction game being eliminated from Steam. The lawsuit and Valve's decision to de-platform Dark and Darker got here at a time whilst the computer recreation changed into seeing viral fulfillment. Even as Dark and Darker remains off of Steam, the dismissal of the lawsuit should open the door to the sport's eventual return. But Ironmace's prison problems won't be over.

The improvement of Dark and Darker took have an effect on from the paintings Ironmace's founders did for their preceding organization, Nexon. Ironmace has said again and again that at the same time as Nexon's task P3 is similar in a few approaches to Dark and Darker, the new recreation is absolutely separate and no copyrighted fabric has been utilized in its improvement. Nexon did not agree and filed a lawsuit alleging Dark and Darker did use illegally obtained substances. Ironmace has claimed this was a "bullying tactic" from Nexon meant to hurt Dark and Darker because it gained recognition.

Buy Dark and Darker Gold at, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.
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Many admirers accepted FUT Birthday to be the abutting Ultimate Aggregation beforehand accustomed the time of year, but it appears a new beforehand is advancing on Mar. 17. According to leakers Fut_Sheriff and fifa_romania on Twitter, FUT Ballers is advancing to Ultimate Team.

What the beforehand absolutely entails charcoal to be seen, but players can apprehend one, possibly two promotional squads in packs, objectives, SBCs and more.

Based on the name of the promotion, conceivably EA Sports will centermost the beforehand about giving players best adeptness moves unlocking new agency to beforehand accepted items. For those absent FUT Birthday, dont affront as it will adequate hunt this promotion.

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Buy FIFA 24 Coins (now called EA Sports FC 24 Coins) at, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.
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Forum Thread: Oh. My. Fucking. God.
Forum: Bloop Drama
Heyyy… sup?
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UdioAI, a generative artificial intelligence model, has made waves in the music industry since its public release of the beta version on April 10, 2024. This innovative platform allows users to generate music based on their prompts, heralding a new era in AI-powered music composition.

One of UdioAI's remarkable features is its ability to create music based on user-provided descriptions of the desired music type. This AI system then generates unique, high-quality music tailored to the user's preferences. It has been dubbed the "ChatGPT for music generation," highlighting its similarity to conversational AI models like ChatGPT in the realm of music composition.

While UdioAI's AI-generated music may not replace human-created music, it is lauded as a powerful tool for musicians and music enthusiasts alike. The platform is seen as a game-changer in the field of AI-generated music, joining the ranks of other similar tools like Suno, Google MusicFX, and CassetteAI.

UdioAI's impact and functionality extend beyond mere music generation. It empowers artists and creators by offering them new avenues for inspiration and experimentation. Musicians can use UdioAI to explore different genres, styles, and musical elements, fostering creativity and innovation in their work.

Furthermore, UdioAI contributes to the democratization of music creation. It lowers barriers to entry for aspiring musicians and producers, providing them with accessible tools to bring their musical ideas to life. This accessibility and inclusivity drive innovation and diversity in the music industry.

As UdioAI continues to evolve and refine its AI algorithms, it holds immense potential to shape the future of music composition and production. Its fusion of AI technology and artistic expression opens doors to endless possibilities, creating a vibrant ecosystem where human creativity and AI capabilities converge harmoniously.

In conclusion, UdioAI represents a paradigm shift in music creation, showcasing the transformative power of AI in the creative arts. As it gains traction and adoption within the music community, UdioAI is poised to leave a lasting impact as a groundbreaking tool for musical exploration and expression.

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