I really don't have anything to say, I just feel like being at the computer and typing.
I wonder if it's even worth posting this entry.....
Got an odd package in the mail today - well, actually it was delivered by UPS - I opened the package and it was a plastic 'BiC' pencil bag and a 'business card magnet' for (Tatami-Akiko) -a restaurant in Florida. Hm.....
Oh well, gotta go put wood in the fire and take the puggie out for her "after-dinner" walk. 
Puggie has gone out for her walk. She is sitting on the couch beside me chillaxing and chewing on my plaid Christmas blanket.
She has that habit, she sucks on soft things - especially fleece - and then she puts herself to sleep. It's actually really cute. I had a varsity snuggie and Tara enjoyed chewing on it so much that she put holes in it - I gave it to her.
I tried to make puggie (Tara) a hat today. Stupid idea. Dogs have funky shaped heads and they cannot wear a hat that is shaped like a human head - no matter how tiny and cute that hat might be.
Well, I guess that I will go and work on my novel for a little bit. I really need to get some ink so that I can print the manuscript out and see what I've got and where I need to go with it. |