I work in the human resources department of a large-ish company. When we do drug tests on our employees, and only marijuana comes up as positive, I let it slide. Nobody was ever let go from my company for marijuana because of me.
Totally not cool! On so many levels! You run the risk of someone testing positive for something else and filing a lawsuit for being terminated when everyone who tested positive for weed got to keep their jobs. Additionally, if your company does anything where someone could someone else if they are impaired, you are running a HUGE risk here. I think you should stop...and yes, I too work in HR.
Having been in HR for quite some time, I know that employees talk to each other. I'm sure that some employees are well aware of their fellow co-workers weed habits. If they know they've been drug tested, which most people do since they see their co-worker leave for the random drug test, they would know. But you're correct..in a perfect world, they would not know and therefore it would be a non-issue. In the end, what this person is doing is not ethical and definitely not in line with their company's drug policy.
჻ೋ჻ ჻ೋ჻ Exactly, I agree with the above commenter, you are putting your company and those who use it at risk. On top of that it is not your decision to make. Did they tell you to decide what is ok and what is not? No. You were told what needs to be reported and you are not reporting it. You are failing to do your job correctly as well as putting others as risk. I hope your employer finds out and then you get "let go." ჻ೋ჻ ჻ೋ჻
Meh.. I see their point about it's not ethical and blah blah blah but I totally agree with you and I'd probably do the same thing. My boyfriend, brother-in-law, nephews, and all their friends smoke pot on the regular. No bigs... I'm not a pot smoker but I'm fighting for legalization cause I think it's BS to be classified with Meth and yet alcohol & ciggs are legal.
It is NOT A HARMLESS "drug". I am perfectly fine with people smoking grass but I can see a good reason to not hire someone who tests positive for THC. An irresponsible & dishonest UA lab tech passes a "dirty" test as being clean, the person who had a false negative drug test (for THC) gets the job (and that one person who didn't smoke it didn't get the job), thus causing the person who was smoking grass to be wrongfully qualified for the position in which the combination of their grass smoking + the nature of their job = possible pain & detriment to their well being, as well as the well being of those working with or around them. Not smart hun. Pot should be legal, and treated the same way that alcohol & booze are treated. What you are doing is not ok, IMO. Nuff said. -True