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Non iam
by wugs

previous entry: Oh God

next entry: Oh. Well...




Arrived at the mall at about 5:45pm
Went to Starbucks at 6:00. Texted Josh.
6:09 - Josh: "I'm gnna a lil, still doin a customer at home"
(quote so I don't misrepresent him).

I left Starbucks at 8:30pm after having not seen him at all. No texts.

Did I misunderstand the txtspk? Doesn't that mean "I'm going to leave in a little bit; I'm still working on a customer at home." ?

"lil" implies less than two and a half hours in my book.



lithium layouts.

previous entry: Oh God

next entry: Oh. Well...

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either this guy's a dink, or the kids these days are speaking another shorthand language.

[girlsetsfireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I would have no idea how to interpret that.
But "lil" would definitely not be 2.5hours, so I agree with you there.

[Aubrey;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

'gnna a lil' makes no sense, yo. I'd have texted back saying 'what does 'gnna a lil' mean, yo?'
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[Estella the ElderStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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