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Incubus Attacks
by PolarB

previous entry: I drew a picture. It's called "Dream Catcher."

next entry: Hi guys...more demonic madness

11. Phone Call with exorcist Bob Larson


In this journal, I'm going to write how I was visited and tricked by a demon, and later
became a Christian when I realized God and Satan's presence in the world.
---(pt 11)---
After much begging, my parents had begrudgingly allowed me to have a 20 minute phone call with world-famous exorcist Bob Larson before the one-on-one encounter we had scheduled. My dad told me that the phone call was scheduled to be on Monday, but he called me a week early, the day before Thanksgiving.

I was on my way to the psychologist, whom my parents wanted me to talk to ever since I told them about the demons. They had hoped it would sort out my problems, but it did not. It was not a psychological problem, but a spiritual one. They didn't want to be believe me, and tried other solutions. They had me try two different prescribed medications, but neither made any differance. I knew I needed deliverance. So many other people had been cured through it when they had been assaulted by the same type of demon. Yet, my parents wouldn't even consider researching the topic when I told them how prevalent it was. It took a lot of effort before they finally agreed to let me see Bob Larson.

While I was sitting in the car, the phone suddenly rang and I saw a number I didn't recognize. For some reason, I knew it was him. My heart skipping a beat, I answered the call and heard a voice that I recognized from the Youtube videos I had seen of him.

"Hello?" he said, asking for my name.

I was surprised that it was actually him. I said yes, and he asked if I had time to talk to him. I told him that I was on the way to another appointment, and he told me he would call again later, in an hour. It was an awkward way to start the whole ordeal.

So I went, and spoke to the psychologist for an hour about nothing important in particular. Mostly I showed her some sketchbooks she had asked to see after I told her I was interested in art. Then, he called again. While the psychologist was talking with my mother privately, I spoke in a vacant room nearby. It turns out that the appointment WAS on Monday, but someone had called and said I could talk today.

I told him the basics of what happened. I was hoping that I could tell him enough about what had happened, so that the deliverance would be successful when I met with him in two weeks.

He told me that this type of demon, an incubus, was one that he had seen many times before. Most churches and christian denominations avoided this type of issue (demonization). They were either too afraid, or skeptical that this was a prevalent issue; but he had seen and ministered thousands of exorcisms. He traveled the country and ministered to people almost every day, other than when he was pastor at a church on Sunday.

There was a point in the conversation where he told me to pray against Satan's powers and etc. I repeated the words he told me, and as I did, my body began to shake uncontrollably in my mid-section. I had prayed with others before, but nothing like this had ever occured. He had some strange power, one that was God-given.

Next, he wanted to confront the demon. He told me to let it take over and speak to him if it wanted to. This way, he could get the root of the problem. I wasn't sure if it would actually work, or if it could actually communicate through me. The idea of letting it use my vocal cords unnerved me.

He kept saying various threats and questions to it in a sharp voice, but I was afraid to speak. There was a strong urge to speak but I was afraid. I knew the demon wanted to say something, yet I was holding it back.

He stopped, and said that I had to let it speak, that there wasn't much time left for him to speak to me. I told him I would.

He asked it why it was there.

Suddenly, the impulse came, "To have sex with her" it said, or something along those lines. "I love it."

"I bet you love it."

"I do," it hissed. I was shocked it was actually speaking through me.

He assured it that it would be cursed for what it had done.
"Is there a generational curse?"


"How many generations?"

Suddenly it seemed to recede a little. I was unsure if it would speak the truth. "6," it said.

"I know your name isn't Josh", Larson scowled with a sharp emphasis on John, "What is your name?"

Suddenly it seemed to want to retreat. All that came from my mouth was "Z-z--z-zz-zzzz-zzzz---" The name Zachariah flashed into my head, but I kept saying "Z-z--zz-zz"

"What is your name?!" he repeated. But it wouldn't heed.

"How do you know they're not lying?" I asked doubtfully. (There turned out to be more than one, which was what I suspected, hearing multiple.) He sighed. He said that in person he could tell by watching my eyes and movements. He could do this when he we met. He said that the demons were trying to hide from him, and that it was difficult to get them out since he wasn't there in person. I was also holding back. That was a problem. It had exceeded twenty minutes, and he had to leave for something.

He told me to be strong. Now that the demons knew that there was a threat, they would come up with a counterattack. This was a little frightening to behold. (This later turned out to be true. That week I was assaulted in my dreams more often than I had in months) It would take dilligent prayer to combat such a thing. In the end, although he was doing deliverance, it was Jesus that was responsible for it all. Only God could deliver me from the demon, He was simply working His power through a man.

The last thing he did was he said to the demon that he would send angels to torment it until the day we met and it was delivered from me. He commanded this with the confidence that God would ordain it. I believe that this was true. The demon seemed different in demeanor later on. It would seem lighter, and sometimes very angry but somehow helpless.

He offered to see me in 6 days instead of two weeks, because he was worried about the long wait. He offered to do it at his church in Phoenix. I knew this was perfect because it would allow him more than an hour (the amount of time we paid for) to do the deliverance because there were less time restraints. This was my opportunity. Unfortunately, when I asked my parents to allow me to see him, they thought it was a scam and wouldn't let me. In fact, they thought that he was a scam artist, "obviously" being knowledgable adults that knew everything about exorcists around the world. But I trusted him.

So, the call ended, and I went out feeling strange about what had just happened to me, yet hopeful that I could finally be cured.

previous entry: I drew a picture. It's called "Dream Catcher."

next entry: Hi guys...more demonic madness

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I thought the demon said his name was Josh?

[A.Classic.Disaster|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh, that was a mistake. I wrote these entries a while ago, and I used the name John in them because that was the name the demon told me. But someone suggested that I change the name in these entries, so I changed it to Josh. But I keep forgetting to switch it...

[PolarB|0 likes] [|reply]

They wanted me to change its name because they thought that it might "give power" to the demon if others read its name, so I changed it as a precaution. But I doubt it will, because 'John" isn't its real name anyway, that was a lie to make me think its human. I also doubt reading about the demons will give them power, since when someone knows about their existence they can protect themselves from them with prayer and help from God and Jesus. The demons can no longer hide behind ignorance. It's good not to develop an unhealthy addiction to it, though. Demons aren't all Christianity is about. It's about loving god, loving people, and being holy in the ways we live, so that one day, if we have no sin left on our hearts, we can be reunited with God. Because this is what He wants. And yes, I just preached to you, so enjoy your sermon. Lol ^_^

[PolarB|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: I'm sorry it's been so long and I am just getting back to you! Christmas season has been very long and I have been on Mommy's heels the whole way. How is your Christmas Season going ? Well besides catching a few mice I've been helping mom prep for her vow of silence. I asked her for you why she was doing something so silly.
She said She had seen a lot of things in her short years and much of it had worn on her. She feels as though she has slowly recovered from these things but now she feels like it is time to give back. To do this she says she must observe a period of meditation and silence in which she will focus on compassion, love, kindness, and inner silence. She is hoping this will focus her intent and give her answers.

-Paws & Kisses, Meemers

[Meemers|0 likes] [|reply]

You have an ...interesting... diary. Happy birthday.

[RisingAbove|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: I drew a picture. It's called "Dream Catcher."

next entry: Hi guys...more demonic madness

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