Today is an interesting day. My mind is traveling back to a place in which was an angry one to me. So therfore, I hate you today, I don't want to even think about you at all but I can't help it. Its the thought of you that just pisses me off. And to be honest you should know there will be days like this now and in the future. I did everything for you, I have lied for you, and I have put with stuff that I should of never dealt with. Yes, I have forgave you, but all the things you did still haunt me still. I'm sure others would wonder why I haven't moved on but that's the thing, I have. But a wound becomes a scare and is a reminder of past pain.
Anyway, on to the better part of my post. I am finally finished with my second job and I know I'm going to miss it, but it was becoming a kind of taxing thing. All in all I think it was an amazing experience to have done. I have met many new people which is always good. My focus must now shift back to my schooling which recently has become very lax. My grades are still kinda good but I haven't been giving enough attention to individual classes. Anyway, I am off to deal with school.
Stay classy |