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bigger on the inside
by craftypolicebox

previous entry: years later

next entry: torn between my options

sunshine in my pocket


It will probably take me a while to completely get up to date where my life is right bare with me!

For a couple of years I worked at a specialized school for children with Autism.  I absolutely loved it there.  I started out as an assistant for 6 months and moved to a different classroom where I supervised two staff.  The new classroom was a regular preschool with typsically developing children.  I had two amazing staff when I first started and then it slowly went down hill.  I had one staff leave and then the next one left due to not making enough money.  I don't blame them one bit.  It's never been easy making a living in education.  I was left with two incredibly immature 20 year olds.   I was so stressed all the time.. It was to the point where I was working during my vacation.  I loved my kids so much though.  I stayed longer than I should have to be honest.  I went to administration and got NO help with the issues that was happening with them.  Working 10+ hours a day killed me and made it known it was not healthy for us to work that long with no break.  I ended up leaving at the end of August and started my next journey in the public school system.

I started working in the school sytem I attended as a child.  It's close to home and I know the principal from elementary school.  The shorter hours have really helped me feel normal again.  I love working for the school I'm in and wouldn't change it for the world.  It was an adjustment getting less pay because of how they split up the paychecks so you receive a paycheck during the summer.  I'm really happy overall and hopefully I can make my way up the ladder and have my own classroom someday.  I'm currently an assistant again working one-on-one with students during the day. 

BIG NEWS!!!! I'm getting married September 2, 2017.  I'm so beyond excited about it.  Mark proposed last year around my birthday.  It's been a nice long engagement and planning of the wedding has started.  We are getting married at a hotel I use to work at during the summer when I was in college.  We will be having the ceremony there.  It's a beautiful place! Marks been a great help with everything as well.  RSVP have started coming back to us which makes everything seem more real.  We finally put a deposit on our honeymoon.  We decided to take a cruise to Alaska in the summer after our wedding.  We want to make sure we have money after the wedding for normal bills and such so it works out.  Since our wedding is in the beginning of the school year, it will be hard for me to take off a week or two right away.  We don't mind waiting and we can also use whatever money we receive from friends and family at the wedding towards our honeymoon at a later date. 

Mark and I had to put down one of our furbabies in the Spring.  It was so hard dealing with it, but we helped each other get through the mourning process.  Pets really do become part of your family.  Our big Maine Coon developed lymphoma.  We are unsure how long he had it, but when we found out it was late stages of cancer and declined quickly.  Two months after we were given the diagnoses we put him down.  The poor guy was suffering and I knew the morning I woke up and saw him laying on the floor looking at me helplessly, it was time.  Mark and I went together.  It was such a heart wrenching day, but I'm glad he is not suffering anymore. 

I have more to update, but this is all the time I have tonight.



previous entry: years later

next entry: torn between my options

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