Well I finally made my decision and I will be teaching preschool instead of being an Ed Tech in the school system. Mark was very supportive and listened to everything I put on the table. He thinks doing this will be best for us. I feel so bad about him paying for the majority of things right now. I told him things will be back to the way it was before I went to the school system.
Speaking of the school... I ended up leaving early today because we were so over staffed it was ridiculous. Most of the morning I ended up sitting around trying to come up with things to do to keep busy. I went around the our wing and asked if any of the teachers needed help with prepping and I got no legit responses.
I managed to get together some items I need this afternoon to start my paperwork with Carolyn. I think I have everything... I will have to call this week about my immunizations so I can get her a copy of that.
Holy crap the Super Bowl was CRAZY last night. I thought the Patriots were going to lose, but they managed to come back. I'm not sure HOW they made it possible, but they did. I throughly enjoyed Lady Gaga's performance for the half time show as well. I thought it was great! I know a few people did not like it though. Since we have a drone now, I thought it was really cool the lights in the sky was all drones.