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CrazyLove's Diary
by CrazyLove

previous entry: The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

next entry: A good home must be made, not bought.

California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange.


I haven't written in quite a while. I guess my last entry was before quite a fight between me and Chris. However, we haven't fought since. Not even a little bit. I'm impressed by us lately. haha. We've been soooo good at not feeding into each others moods. I've been pretty happy - for the first time since I came here.

I'm getting used to San Francisco more and more. California is a funny place. I am developing a love/hate relationship with this state. It's strange...some of the things I hate are also the things I love. I guess it depends on the day.

We've been doing much better financially, too. Things are still rather tight, but we've been getting by and even having a bit of extra money here and there. We should be saving and Christmas shopping. But...eating out once in a while sure cheers Chris up. If he's working just to survive, it starts to wear down his spirit.

I started a diet today. I reeeaaallllly want to stick with it. I want to lose this weight so badly, but I guess I don't want it enough. It seems like if I wanted it badly enough, I would just do it. It's not that simple for me. I swear I'm addicted to food. It was so much easier to diet when I lived alone or with my girlfriends. Chris cooks such awesome dinners all the time...I find it impossible to turn them down. He's been buying and cooking healthier since I've been talking about my desire to lose weight, but it's not quite the strict diet I'm going for.

I wish I wasn't so lazy. I work, I do my best at keeping the house picked up. When I have down time, all I want to do is lay around with Chris. I see him all the time, but I can never get enough. I guess it's the effect of being long-distance for so long.

I would love to lose about 50 pounds. I feel like it's so impossible. Ugh...

I've been having really lucid dreams. They have really been freaking me out. I've had chronic nightmares practically the whole time I've lived here. Last night, however, I got a break from the nightmares. It was still very strange and lucid. Maybe I should try to look up the meanings...but I don't know how reliable any of that stuff really is. (?)

I got a promotion at work...but it doesn't go into effect until the new year. It's NOT the promotion I wanted, but I guess I should be grateful. I'm a sales supervisor now. Basically, I'm still just Retail Bitch...but now I have a key. Grand.

It's really warm today and sunny today. Oh California....

previous entry: The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

next entry: A good home must be made, not bought.

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so this is where you've been hiding. i had to find you on random of all things!

[Minda Hey Hey™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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