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CrazyLove's Diary
by CrazyLove

previous entry: We broke up.

next entry: The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

Reason and love are sworn enemies.


Thank God, things have changed!

I cannot begin to explain how I felt during the 24 hours that we were broken up. I can't put it into words. It was similar to times that I've lost friends to death. It was such a hopeless and powerless feeling.

Yesterday evening, I took a nap next to him. He was petting me and telling me that I would be alright. When I woke up, he asked for some money to go to the grocery store. (I have all of our money stashed away in my closet haha) He came back with tampons, honey for hot tea, and chocolate/peanut butter icecream for me. He made me a big cup of lemongrass herbal tea with honey...for my laryngitis. I looked at him, he wrapped his arms around me, and I just started crying again. Finally I said, "Let's give it one more try. We can try. We can try to do better." He said that he would if I would.

SO....we are still together. I am so relieved. I'm scared that things still wont work, but I'm trying to ignore that pesky doubt and let the magic of positive thinking do it's thing. We talked about the fact that when we're tempted to argue, we just need to remember how that breakup felt.

Last night, I called home and told my parents that I was staying out here, and we were working things out. My pops said, "Tell Chris this isn't walmart...unless he kept the reciept, you're his problem now." Haha.

Anyway...I'm still sick as all hell. But, I'm starting to get my voice back now. It's still very sore and hoarse, but at least it's more than a whisper. We'll see if I lose it again at work today. I only work three hours, so I should be alright.

I was looking forward to spending the first half of the day with Chris, but Rocky called and needed help moving a truck from the yard. Chris can't exactly say no...seing as how Rocky does a lot for us. I don't think he'll be home by the time I leave for work, so I'll just have to wait til tonight to see him. :(

No one else could make me feel the way he does. No one else could love me the way he does...even when I have morning breath, and I haven't shaved my legs in weeks, and my hair is a mess, and I need a shower, and my eyes are puffy from sleep....and he looks at me like he's just so happy that I'm his.

And this entry ends with me bragging...via this new picture of my sexy perfect man...

previous entry: We broke up.

next entry: The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

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RYC: Sweet. I've recently went through my faves and deleted almost everyone. So, I'm looking for new people to read.

[[accepting.change]Star|0 likes] [|reply]

San Diego. Are you in Cali too?♥

[broke and famous|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm IMing you, btw.

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

They sell composting bins for like $60 a pop. Otherwise you can do it the cheapo way and buy a plastic bin with a lid and earthworms (which are really cheap). If you google vermicomposting there are some pretty basic easy tutorials about how to get an earthworm composting bin started. I keep saying I'm gonna do it... but I never get around to it. Plus, wtf am I gonna do with dirt? I guess I could start my container garden that was supposed to happen last summer and didn't. Blah I'm in a bad mood.

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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