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DarkKitsune's Diary
by DarkKitsune

previous entry: Hello Bloop!

next entry: Books, Books and More Books

Well I will NEVER do that again!


This is not the entry I had planned to write today but I am so annoyed I decided to write that one another day. My nephew's birthday was Nov. 3 and I decided to get him a gift card for a book store since he loves to read. I figured it's easier to shop that way for an 18 year old rather than to try and pick something out that he really won't want/like.

So here is where I made the mistake. Instead of going to the actual book store and buying the card myself then sending it to him I decided to order it from their web site and have it shipped directly to him. This seemed like the sensible way to do it since we don't have a car and it's a four mile bike ride to the book store in question. Well it turns out that this was not the best idea ever. It is now Nov. 22 and he has not received his gift card. I have emailed the online site on Nov. 15 and was told that it takes 2 to 6 days for the item to arrive and that I should call the local post office if he didn't have it by Nov. 18. I told my sister to call the post office but according to my mother (who they live with) she hasn't done it yet and my nephew still doesn't have his gift card. I really don't see a point in me calling the post office in Alabama when I live in Texas *sigh*. If they aren't going to call them I suppose I will have to email the book store again since I would like him to get his gift. If nothing else I can ask them to refund my money and go buy him another card at the physical store then mail it myself.

The really frustrating part is the fact that my family seems to expect me to do all the work myself. They can't even be bothered to call the freaking post office! It's not like it's my fault he hasn't gotten the gift yet. I guess I should know by now that when it comes to my family it is ALWAYS my fault.

previous entry: Hello Bloop!

next entry: Books, Books and More Books

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