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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk
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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: I don't want to study anymore.

next entry: It's Howrse again.

I miss you, snow.


What would you do if you found out you were pregnant right now? I'm a virgin, so I would found my own religion.

What would you do if your cell phone was stolen? Uhh...get a new one I guess. It's not like I have much choice there if I can't get it back.

What would you do if your best friend told you they were gay? My best friend IS gay, and I love him just the way he is

What would you do if your pet got hit by a car? Oh man I have no idea, but I don't think it's likely. My rat obviously does not go outside, and my cat is also an indoor cat. He's gotten out once or twice, but he always comes quickly back. He was a stray when my sister found him, so I think he's afraid of getting lost. Annd, my horse is too old and too lazy to jump the fence. Not to mention he lives on a quiet country road that isn't even paved - not a lot of traffic.

What would you do if the world ran out of chicken fingers? I think I would be okay.

What would you do if you lost your job? Hah, I need to have a job to be able to lose one. I was fairly certain I was going to get the job I interviewed for in late December, but now my conviction is starting to slip into depression because I haven't heard anything since the reference checks.

What would you do if there was a law against being overweight? Go to jail, I guess. I just started a diet that supposedly works wonders, so...hopefully that won't be the case for too much longer.

What would you do if your father left your mother? My parents are divorced, but technically it was mom who left my dad. As for my step-dad, he's not going anywhere. He knows he's got it good here.

What would you do if your little sister was bulemic? Try to help her. I don't think either of my little sisters would end up like that though.

What would you do if you only had a month to live? I would probably take half that month trying to come to terms with the fact that I was about to die. After that, I'd just want to spend time with my loved ones.

What would you do if you were failing math class? I had a math tutor in high school because that was the case. I never have failed a class though.

What would you do if aliens attacked? I would be very surprised. I like to think if there is life out there that advanced, they aren't as stupid and violent as humans.

What would you do if your favorite show was cancelled? All my favourite shows have been cancelled. That's what DVDs are for. I almost never watch regular TV.

What would you do if you found out your parents were having another child? I wouldn't be surprised, or care too much, if my father and step-mom had another kid. It's an impossibility for my mom.

What would you do if your phone and internet were disconnected? I'd live.

What would you do if your house burned down? Hope like hell I could save my pets first.

What would you do if you got lost while on vacation in a foreign country? Try to find someone who speaks English or, if I was in a French-speaking country, try desperately to communicate with my limited French.

What would you do if you found out you were adopted? I am 100% sure I'm not adopted. I look way too much like my mom and my sisters. I also share the same semi-rare blood type with them all (7%). Not to mention the pictures of my mom pregnant with me and me in the hospital just after I was born...

What would you do if there was a hobo following you down an empty street? Ignore it. Why would I assume he/she would do something to me, just because they are homeless?

What would you do if a cashier gave you too much change? I always tell them and return the extra.

What would you do if your mp3/ipod broke and you couldn't afford a new one? I'd do without one. I still have CDs for the car and iTunes for home.

What would you do if your significant other was dying of cancer? Seriously? What do you think I'd be doing? Dancing for joy, obviously...

What would you do if you saw a co-worker stealing from the boss? Honestly it would depend how much I liked the co-worker LOL.

What would you do if your plane crashed in the jungle? Hope someone else survived who is better equipped to forage for food and supplies than I am.

What would you do if you got stuck in an elevator with your crush? The person I would consider I'm closest to having a "crush" on is Tyler, and he's a friend of mine, so it would be fine...except for the fact that I'd be freaking out about being stuck in an elevator.

What would you do if your bf/gf was going to Europe for a year? Meh.

previous entry: I don't want to study anymore.

next entry: It's Howrse again.

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