Your Horse.
Show name?
Never Say Never
15.1 hh
What breed?
Morgan/Arabian cross
Does he/she jump? If so, how high?
He did when I still rode him, but I don't think we jumped any more than 3 feet. Of course, he had superman jumps so he'd jump about 3 feet higher than the fence anyways.
Allrounder or one discipline in particular?
Allrounder pleasure horse I suppose.
Broken in and backed yet?
Of course, he's 25. He's retired now.
Been to shows?
We tried.
Is he/she spooky at all?
Ugh, yeah, he spooks at utter random sometimes. He can be very flightly for such a smart horse.
Easy to ride? or not for novice riders?
He's good if you're confident; if he sense hesitation he'll just do whatever he wants.
Does he/she buck, bolt, rear, kick or bite?
He's bolted once or twice but that's it. Oh and there have been a few times he did little bunny hops when got scared haha. It was like he was trying to buck but didn't know how so he just hopped around while I tried not to fall off from laughing.
Easy to box, shoe, load etc?
The first two, yes. He's not very hard to get on a trailer, actually, but he hates them and spends the whole ride in a panic attack. He's always drenched in sweat and freaking out by the time we get to our destination, even when he's being trailered with a calm horse. Luckily it's not something we have to worry about anymore though; he'll be staying where he is for the rest of his life.
You and your riding.
How long have you been riding?
Since I was 5.
Do you have lessons?
I from the time I was 8 until about 17, but I don't now.
Are you capable of trot?
What about canter?
Dude, if I have my own horse, don't you think I know how to ride him?
And jump? If so, what's that highest you've ever jumped?
Favourite discipline?
I mostly just ride for pleasure, but I love to jump.
Ever been a Pony Club member?
No, they didn't have it around here.
Ever been to Pony Club Camp?
Are you an experienced rider or a novice?
Ever broken-in, backed or trained a young horse?
Not a young'un, but I had to retrain Secret in jumping when I got her.
Ever done cross-country?
Nooo, I wish
Do you get nervous when riding at all?
Only when I'm on a psychopath.
Do you get fustrated when a horse won't do what you're asking from it?
No, it's most likely my fault that the horse doesn't understand.
Do you think it's funny when small ponies try to buck you off?
Yes! I love saucy little ponies. We actually used to take the farm's donkey (he was about 10 hands) to the far end of the arena and take turns climbing on him while he bucked his way back to the gate, and see who could stay on the longest. He was such a cute little thing. I wonder if he's still kicking around.
Ever had a bad riding accident?
I had to go to the ER once when Secret bucked me off at a canter and stepped on my leg.
Ever taught a lesson?
Only with little kids. I worked at a summer camp.
Ever been ridden at a show?
No, no one has ever ridden me at a show
Ever jumped a clear round?
Ever come 1st at a show?
Yep yep. I'm kinda curious to dig out all my show ribbons now and see how many firsts I actually have.
Ever groomed a horse?
Uh, yeah...
Bathed a horse?
Cleaned tack?
Put a saddle on a horses back correctly?
Put a bridle on a horse's head corectly?
Ever led a horse in canter?
Oh good lord, yes, I know how to ride.
Put a headcollar on a horse?
I haven't heard that term. Do you mean a halter? Yes, of course I have haltered a horse.
Ridden anything bigger than 16hh?
Yesh. Secret was bigger than 16 hands.
Ridden anything smaller than 13hh?
This or that.
Bareback or saddle?
Leather or synthetic?
Leather, I would never buy anything synthetic for riding. It would get destroyed so quickly.
Bitless bridle or snaffle bridle?
Saddle pad or numnah?
Saddle pad
Riding hat or not hat?
Jodphur boots or tall boots? this a British survey? We call them paddock boots and field boots. I prefer paddock boots for everyday stuff, but I had field boots for showing.
Small jumps or big jumps?
Cross-country or showjumping?
Showjumping, just because I don't have any XC experience.
Jumping or flat-work?
I always did both in my workouts. You can't have jumping without a proper flat-work warmup anyway.
In-hand or ridden?
Ridden. I used to have Secret on a lunge rope once or twice a week though just to get some excess energy out when I didn't have time to ride her.
Chestnut or Palomino?
Chestnut My baby is a red chestnut.
Thoroughbred or Cob?
Thoroughbred; that's what Secret was.
Travel boots or travel bandages?
Bandages. Boots are so much easier, but I feel like bandages give way more protection. They look like they're bubble wrapped after you get them on.
Decorated browband or plain?
I'm indifferent. If it's decorated, I wouldn't want colour, only stitches. My everyday bridle isn't decorated, but there are stitching decorations on my show bridle. |