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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: Random questions

next entry: Randoms from Chazface

My bestie


What is their full name: Chylin

Gender: Male

Birthdate: July 22 1987

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'2" and 3 quarters, which he rounds up to 5'3"

What was your first impression of them when you met? I don't know. He seemed like a cool guy. I guess that's it.

How did you meet? We used to live across the hall from one another.

Have you known them all your life? No, for about 4 years.

Do they live in the same town as you? No, not anymore. I hope I'll move back there shortly with a job though.

Did you go to school together? No

Are you dating them? No

Are they a sibling or relative? No

Do they know any secrets about you no one else does? I don't know about NO ONE else, but he knows the few unexciting secrets I have.

Say something only they would understand: "My hands feel so soft!" Haha, that just made me laugh out loud...oh, mushroom trips

previous entry: Random questions

next entry: Randoms from Chazface

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I loved reading this. I've known Chaz for 4 years through this site and I consider him a friend, so to read this from someone who knows him in person really makes me smile. And I'll second that 5 more cats thing.

[Survey Sweetheart|0 likes] [|reply]

My tongue is pierced twice!
Otherwise, you are trés delicieux.

[survey this|0 likes] [|reply]

Sorry! I had the setting on to "block potential stalkers" and I think you have to have your diary for a month before that setting doesn't apply. I thought since I added you to my Faves, it would override that. But you should be able to see my diary now.

[Survey Sweetheart|0 likes] [|reply]

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