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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk
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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: My parents' house. Definitely not mine.

next entry: Another horse survey

Oh, the frustration.


i cannot learn new knitting techniques from a book and I'm getting mad about it.


What is your favorite thing to cook or bake? I love cooking stirfries with lots of veggies and experimenting with different sauces. I don't bake.

When someone is tailgating you, do you drive faster or slower? I keep driving the same speed.

What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Like, nowhere. I'm basically here all the time.

Do you have any checks that you need to cash or deposit? Nope.

Do you like scented candles? Yes

Do you know how to use AutoCAD software? No, I don't know what that is.

What is your least favorite household chore? Cleaning my ratty's cage. He's so messy.

What career field are you in / would you like to be in? I'm in none and I'm trying to get into insurance.

Describe the curtains/shades you have in your bedroom. They're white blinds and they're broken so they have to stay closed all the time.

Have you ever been snorkeling? Yes, I love it.

Why did you last see a doctor? To increase my medication. And I found out that anti-depressants make you gain weight. At least that explains some of this weight gain!

How often do you check your email? A few times a day.

What is your favorite outdoor activity? Walking in the woods

Do most of your relatives live in the same state/province as you? Yes, most of them.

Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. I actually thought about it in university because I was on Cipralex at the time and there were advertisements for a study all over campus but I just...didn't. I think I found out it didn't pay anything and thought "fuck that" LOL.

Do you have any magnets on your refrigerator? No. We have a stainless steel fridge so magnets don't stick to it.

How long have you worked at your current job? Fuck offffff....

What is the last thing you got in the mail? A book from Bookmooch!

Is there a food you hate that everyone else seems to like? Mushrooms

Have you ever donated to a charity? Yes

What is your favorite kind of soup? Minestrone

How long would it take to drive from your current home to the last place you lived? It takes about four hours. I really miss that apartment.

What do you usually order from Subway? I get something different each time. I really like the turkey though.

Are you the oldest of your siblings? Nope.

Are you the oldest of your cousins? No. On my mom's side I'm 3rd oldest of 21, and on my dad's I'm one of the youngest out of about 26. They both come from big families, which is why my own family is so huge.

What is the most expensive thing you own? CD collection? I don't own many things of value.

Have you ever had to evacuate from a natural disaster? No

Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? One of my aunts and one of her daughters are breat cancer survivors.

Describe your favorite pair of sunglasses. They're black with white pinstripes.

Are most of your friends shorter or taller than you? Taller

Are you allergic to any medications? I had a reaction to some stomach medication in high school but that was it.

Do you have any licenses other than your drivers license? i have a License to Kill.

What's your favorite Nintendo 64 game? I haven't played that since middle school.

What all do you have on your keyring? Keys, a purple moose, and a purse hook shaped like a martini glass.

Would you rather ski or snowboard? Ski! I miss skiing.

What job does you significant other have? --

Which class would you rather take: computer programming or astronomy? Astronomy.

When was the last time you were out of the country? It's been such a long time. I think the last might actually be when I was 16 and went to Florida.

Have you ever traveled via train? Yes, that's how I always got from university to home and vice versa. Now when I go to Hamilton to see friends I often take the train instead of driving because I hate driving alone for four hours.

When you were in elementary school, what was a typical afternoon like once you got home from school? Came home and walked the dog if it was my day to do so, watched TV, had dinner, played in my room, tried to avoid homework. Something like that.

How often do you go to your favorite restaurant? Well my favourite restaurant in this town, maybe once a month.

previous entry: My parents' house. Definitely not mine.

next entry: Another horse survey

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