What are you wearing? Black pants, a Tiger Army t-shirt, and a black cardigan with darker grey stars all over it.
What do you hear? A commercial for Mr. Clean.
What color socks are you wearing? They're bright orange with black spiders on them.
What websites are currently up on your computer? This one.
What is your favorite color? Purple
How are you feeling? Sick! But way better than I felt yesterday.
Is anyone in the same room with you? No, I'm in my bedroom.
What is your current favorite song? "A Drowning" by How to Destroy Angels
Are you texting/talking to anyone? No
What book are you reading? "The Stepford Wives" by Ira Levin
Have any homework that needs to be done? No, but I did just get my course package for the first course I'm taking for the CIP program! It's a lame thing to be excited about but I am, haha. It's been a while since I've had a course and it will give me something to do for a while.
What's on your television? American Dad
Do you have a crush on anyone? Sort of.
What CD is in your CD player? I don't have a CD player.
What does your hair look like at the moment? Really gross. I've been sick so I haven't been showering.
Are you wearing any makeup? No
Is anything troubling you? The remnants of my cold.
What are you thinking about? My CIP course. I kind of want to just start right now. It's correspondance so I could but it's late.
Are you currently on Myspace? No
Why are you taking this survey? I don't know. I want to!
Are you cold or hot? I am neither.
What's the weather like outside? It's snowing and cold
Are you wearing any jewelry? My rings
Are you drinking/eating anything? I'm drinking apple juice.
Do you need to go to the doctors for something? No
How many lights are on in your house? I don't know, probably lots, since most people in my family are here.
Do you have an itch you can't scratch? Nope
Why are you in the room you're in? Because I don't want to hang out with my family right now.
Are you in dire need to take a shower? Sort of. I'm not dirty but my hair feels kinda gross.
How about to shave your legs? They could use a shave I guess but it's not like I have a real reason to shave them.
Are you daydreaming about anything? No