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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: I have survey for you.

next entry: Whoa dude, it's a survey.

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Have you ever been hit in the back with a football? I don't think so. My earliest school memory though is getting pegged in the head by a soccer ball.

Which do you fear more,snakes or spiders? Spiders. I love snakes! I want one.

What color is your room painted? Light blue.

Have you ever seen someone literally creepy looking? If so,name that person Yes but no one I know by name.

What is something that you do daily, besides something common? I play with my rattyface.

How many pets have you had in your whole life? Oh wow. Okay....Banjo, Lute, Lyre (all cats), Shadow (dog), Fido (goldfish), Sapphire (Siamese Fighting Fish), Marshmellow and Clover (rabbits), Marlow (the cat we have now), Herodotus (my rat). That's 10. I thought it would be higher.

When you take pictures of yourself,what kind of expression do you make? They all look so bad when I do it myself so I stopped doing that.

Where did you celebrate the last holiday? I didn't celebrate Family Day or Valentine's Day, so I won't count either of those. The last one before that was New Year's Eve, and we went to Greg's house. That was such a stupid night.

Are you cold right now? No I'm hot.

Have you ever held someone in your arms when they were crying? Yes

Have you ever stopped talking for over a month? Not completely, but I went through a few years as a teenager where I barely spoke. I was so full of angst back then.

What's something that you have promised yourself? I'm going to get laid before I turn 25 LOL.

Do you wear fitted or loose shirts? I wear both but lately I've been wearing the looser ones because I'm a fat bitch right now

Did you suck your thumb when you were little? Yes

Is there a fence around your house? No, we don't have a backyard fence. That means I randomly find the little girl next door playing in our backyard, which is a little weird. But then, she's a little weird.

Can/could you ride your bike to school? I almost always rode my bike to school up until 6th grade. I don't think I ever had a bike after that.

Are you wearing your shoes? Not in my house.

Do you have any projects right now? Wellll I'm taking an insurance course and I'm trying to finish it early so I have a lot of study time before the exam. That's all though.

Are you one of those people who fuck with the dead? Um. No? I don't even know what that question means.

Have you ever had sex in a graveyard? Describe that experience. I've never had sex. I've made out in a graveyard, but it was no biggie. It's just a place.

If you haven't, would you like to? Probably not. It just seems like it would be uncomfortable and exposed.

When's the last time someone bought you a baby doll? Probably when I was like four.

Do you write on your pants/shoes/bookbag/binder? I used to do that in high school. I was just that cool.

Look outside. What do you see? Grey skies and rooftops. I'm in my bedroom on the 2nd floor.

Would you consider yourself a physically strong person? No, I'm such a little weakling LOL

Do you say 'lol' or 'omg' out loud? Sometimes I say "oh em gee".

Who has your heart right now? Hero, my little ratty.

Do you have a frien that you think is awesome,but their significant other is making them be a prick to you? Well no, because I'm not 12 and this isn't middle school. Also as Chaz said, they obviously aren't that awesome of a friend if their significant other can make them be mean to me.

Would you like to get 'slimed' on Nick? Do they still do that? I didn't know Nick was around anymore.

Have you currently learned something unbelievable? No

Name 5 people that mean absolutely everything and anything to you: My mom, my stepdad, my sisters, my step-sister. Also Chaz, but he didn't include me in his list so I'm going to be spiteful and not include him Haha

Do you envy any celebrities? Who? Rich ones. I want money.

How many pocketbooks do you own? What is a pocketbook? i hear that word randomly, but i always associate it with early 1900s businessmen.

previous entry: I have survey for you.

next entry: Whoa dude, it's a survey.

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