1) How many times a week do you clean your living space: I keep my room neat and then vacuum and dust maybe like once every week or so.
2) If you had to enlist in a branch of the military which one would you choose: I would be a conscientious objecter.
3) If you are talking to someone and they are using big words that you don't understand would you ask them to explain the word to you: Yes I probably would, but I understand most big words people use in conversation. I'm usually the one who is getting the look for using uncommon words LOL
4) List 10 things that are in your bedroom: Me, my bed, my rattyface Socrates, my books, my DVDs, satsuma body butter, grapefruit lip butter, laptop, pens, hair straightener.
5) Which airports have you been in: Oh lots. My family used to travel a lot.
6) Do you do any volunteer work or give to charity: I used to volunteer at the SPCA but I fell out of the habit of doing that. I keep meaning to go out to the horse rescue nearby because I have some halters and a flymask to donate, and I'm going to see if I can start volunteering there.
7) Have you ever been in a beauty pageant: Haha. No.
8) Have you been through a natural disaster (earthquake, tornado, hurricane, ect): Mild tornadoes, mild flooding, and a few ice storms.
9) What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten: I ate the teqila worm once. The texture was so disgusting I almost threw up and had to chug half a Coke to get the taste out, but I was sooo drunk after haha.
10) Are you a curious person: Yes but I'm not nosy.
11) Are you afraid of grave yards: No. What is there to be afraid of?
12) What magazines do you read: Sometimes I look through Canadian Living because my mom is subscribed to it and they have really good recipes. Maybe it's kind of nerdy but the only magazines I'm ever interested in are ones with recipes.
13) Have you ever been addicted to drugs? No.
14) Do you think smoking should be allowed in bars and restaurants: Nope. I don't need your cancer, thanks. I have a hard enough time sometimes just sitting outside with my friends who all sit in a group and smoke.
15) How many people goes/went to your school: At my list school there were about 35,000 I think. It's a pretty big university.
16) What are you passionate about: Knitting! If only I was better at it. I want to start taking lessons but I don't have the money.
17) What are your bad habits: I smoke a lot of weed, I sleep too much, sometimes I just get really lazy and do absolutely nothing all day.
18) Have you ever driven a go-kart: Yes
19) What is your favorite amusement park: Canada's Wonderland! I was sad I didn't get to go this year.
20) Name something that you are afraid of that others might find silly: Bees.
21) What's the longest amount of time that you remained single: Ummm....I've been technically single since I was 13 haha. I've dated people since, but never gotten into an actual relationship. I think some of my friends think there is something seriously wrong with me because of it, but I actually don't care that much. Sometimes I wonder if I'm asexual.
22) What is your favorite song to dance to: I don't dance much.
23) If you could choose a second language to speak, which one would you choose: French
24) Were you adopted: No.
25) How many people have died in your family since you were born: My grandma on my biological dad's side (my grandpa died the year before I was born), both of my step-dad's parents although I only knew his dad because his mom died before my parents split up. That's all I can think of. We've been very fortunate.
26) Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet: No. Once when I was a kid we found a baby raccoon by itself on the side of the road, and it came home with us for a few hours while we called the SPCA and figured out what to do with it. We named it Rocky and my sisters and I played with it (with winter gloves on because my mom was paranoid about rabies) and then took it back out in a blanket-lined box to keep it warm while we waited to see if its mom came back for it. It was gone the next morning, so hopefully it was okay. That's the closest to a wild animal I've had. Raccoons have been one of my favourite animals since
27) If you were a part of the circus, what would your job be: I would want to work with the animals.
28) Would you kill someone out of self defense: I hope I never have to find out.
29) Has anyone in your family ever had cancer: My stepdad had skin cancer earlier this year but it has healed now.
30) What is your favorite breed of dog: Great Danes! My mom would faint if I ever brought one home but when I move out and am self-sufficient I'm going to look into Great Dane breeders around here. They are so beautiful and so gentle, and my niece would be able to ride it like a pony LOL.
31) What is your favorite breed of cat: I like the long-haired ones of an indefinable breed.
32) Name a food that you like now that you didn't like when you were younger: Hot peppers. I didn't like spicy things when I was a kid but love them now.
33) What's your dream car: Ford Escape. I'm not a huge fan of SUVs but I'm going to need something to put my Great Dane into, and I find the Escape nice enough to drive.
34) What's your favorite kind of facial cleanser: I use the all-natural crumbly green stuff from Lush.
35) What is your dream vacation: A cruise across the top of Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Iceland, places like that.
36) Do you have a green thumb: Haha no. I have a wilted-and-dead-within-a-week thumb.
37) Do you use public restrooms: Yes
38) How much does it cost to fill your car up with gas: About $40 depending on the price of gas.
39) Are you good with directions: If I know the street names, yes.
40) What do you collect: Teddy bears. People are surprised when I tell them that.
41) How many children do you want to have: Maybe two. Definitely no more than that.
42) What is your income: Mooching off of my parents while I search for a career with increasing desperation.
43) What is the most money you ever had in your bank account: A few thousand when I was working in the summers to save up for school/living expenses.
44) Do you have a savings account: Yes.
45) Do you like drama: Only in movies and TV.
46) What is your favorite brand of jeans: I don't have brand loyalty and usually just buy my jeans at Value Village anyways. I'm trying to remember what brand my favourite jeans are, but I can't.
47) Would you take a bullet for someone you love: Yes
48) What is your favorite mall: I don't like malls very much.
49) Do you like to play mini golf: I haven't played it since I was 16, but it can be fun.
50) What are your hobbies: Reading, cooking, Howrse
51) Would you ever go on the show Fear Factor: No. I know they would make me touch a silverfish *shudders*
52) If you were scuba diving and your boat left you. There are no boats on the horizon. What would you do: I will NEVER scuba dive. I don't know why I'm so afraid of it, but I just don't think I could do it.
53) Would you be able to survive in prison: I don't intend to commit the sort of crime that would cause me to find out.
54) What's your view on transgendered people: I admire them for their bravery to do what they want, even if it isn't socially acceptable.
55) What's your views on gay's being married: Le sigh. I am bi. My best friend is gay. I bet you can use that information to answer this question yourself.
56) Under what circumstance would you be a stripper: None. None circumstances.
57) Have you ever been experimental with the same sex: Yes
58) Have you ever given money to a homeless person: Yes
59) What's your view on people that receive state income: I think it is necessary. Yes, some people are going to abuse it, but it's the same with everything. All the people whom are actually receiving help for it should not have to suffer ostracism or extreme poverty simply because of a few bad eggs.
60) How many pairs of underwear do you own: Oh wow, like 40 maybe? I'm addicted to buying underwear, especially from La Senza. They just had a sale, 7 for $25 so I definitely just bought more this weekend.
61) When was the last time that you were sick: I have allergies right now but I haven't been sick since last winter.
62) What is your favorite kind of gum: Anything minty.
63) What was the most painful dental procedure you had done: Getting my wisdom teeth out. That sucked. I got dry socket, so I was in so much pain and so groggy from all the medication that I didn't even go to class for days.
64) If you only had one hour to live, what would you do with your time: Freak out! Obviously!
65) What do you think about the baby mamas that go on live tv and take paternity test that prove them wrong: I find it hard to believe they are real people.
66) Do you regift: No.
67) What was your favorite book as a child: Dr. Seuss and Sesame Street books. And then as I got older and started reading novels I liked Lois Duncan, RL Stine, and Christopher Pike. I really liked horror from about 8 -13.
68) What is your greatest responsibility you have in your life: My little rattyface.
69) Have you ever done something stupid to impress someone: No, I'm too self-conscious for that.
70) What are your comfort foods: Pasta, fast food.
71) Does your mood change with the weather: No.
72) What is the dumbest thing you ever paid money for: I've bought a lot of stupid things in my day. Back in high school my best friend Kristie and I used to spend like $50 at the dollar store on things we didn't need.
73) What's your most embarrassing moment: I don't know.
74) What do you like to do on a rainy day: Stay inside.
75) What is the most frustrating thing about your life: I have extreme anxiety and trust issues.
76) If you could know the exact circumstances of your death, would you want to know: No, I don't think so.
77) What will you remember most about your parents: How supportive they've always been.
78) Has a close friend ever wronged you: Yes.
79) What is your first childhood memory: My cousin Jordan as a baby. I would have been about three...I just remember tickling his feet because I thought he made hilarious sounds when I did it.
80) Are you an expert with any Microsoft programs (word, excel, power point, ect): I used Word a lot, but I wouldn't say I'm pro.
81) Which comics do you read: All the ones in the paper.
82) How often do you shower: Usually every other day, or every time I exercise.
83) Who is your hero: I don't have one.
84) Have you ever danced in the rain: Yup.
85) Have you ever vandalized a sign, building, ect: Yes, just with spraypaint though.
86) Do you drink energy drinks: Ew, no.
87) What is your favorite mixed drink: Whisky sour.
88) How often do you go out to bars and clubs: Every few weeks I guess. I used to go more.
89) Do you own a digital camera: Yes but it isn't working. The batteries are dead and I can't get it to recharge or my computer to recognize it when I plug it in to take the pictures off.
90) Which Newspapers do you read: None. I just read the comics.
91) What is your favorite candy bar: Mars
92) What is your Sun Sign: Sagittarius, but I'm on the cusp (first day of Sagittarius) and I'm a lot more like Scorpio.
93) What is your Moon Sign: Leo. I just looked that up
94) Have you ever seen a ghost: No.
95) Have you ever been lost in the woods: No.
96) What about lost at sea: No.
97) Have you ever shopped at the good will: Of course! I love second-hand shops.
98) Do you recycle: Yes.
99) What is your favorite cleaning product: GreenWorks.
100) How many CD's do you own: About 150 probably. |