101) What kind of computer games do you play: I play Mahjong and sometimes Hearts.
102) Do you remember your first day of school: Not very well. I remember getting hit in the head with a soccer ball and crying but feeling stupid for crying because it didn't really hurt, and then getting comforted by the older girl who has kicked the ball. That's pretty much it.
103) What kind of cell phone do you have: A Blackberry
104) Do you have a pager: LOL do they even make them anymore?
105) What's your favorite colors: Red, purple
106) Are you in a relationship: No
107) Did you ever win any stuffed animals out of a claw machine: Yeah I used to be so good at that as a kid.
108) What's the coolest thing you got out of a bubble gum machine: Umm..bubble gum.
109) What is your DOB: November 22, 1986.
110) What time were you born: In the evening.
111) How much did you weigh: I don't know...
112) Have you had plastic surgery: No, nor will I.
113) Do you wear glasses: Usually I wear contacts, but I do have glasses.
114) Do you like going to the movie theaters: There are some movies I think would be best to see in theatres first, but I don't like paying so much to see something I can just download most of the time.
115) What kind of cheese is your favorite kind: Old cheddar, or swiss if I'm having a sandwich.
116) Do you like going to fairs: I did as a child.
117) Do you have any tattoos: Yes, two.
118) What kind of tattoo do you want to get: I don't know what I want to get next. I want something little behind one ear, but I don't know what to do. I don't want a star or something typical and lame like that, so I need to think of something...
119) Do you have any siblings: Yes. I have: two full sisters (Marie and Dawn), two step-brothers (Eric and Kevin), one half-sister on my mom's side who drives me absolutely mental (Krystal), and a half-brother and -sister on my dad's side (Clarke and Ashlie). I also have a brother-in-law, Andrew, who is married to Marie.
120) Are your parents married or divorced: Divorced and remarried.
121) Did you play doctor when you were a little kid: Sometimes.
122) Do you have a sexual fantasy: Shore do.
123) What is your sexual fantasy: I don't think I am going to tell you
124) Are you a virgin: Yes
125) If so, are you waiting for marriage: No. I want to lose it and don't really care who to anymore...I just don't want to have a relationship with the person after LOL.
126) If not, do you wish you had: See above.
127) How many partners have you had: Nada.
128) Have you ever came in contact with an STD: Nope.
130) Where is the weirdest place you had sex at: *does a little jig*
131) When you were a kid did you play school: Yeah, with my stuffed animals as students.
132) What is your favorite flower: Lilies.
133) Do you pay attention to the moon phases: Not really. Every now and then I'll look up and be all "cool, full moon!" but I don't keep track of when they occur.
134) Do you think there is life on other planets: It's possible.
135) What is your special talents: I can write essays? Ugh, what a claim to fame. I don't know...my only real skill is writing (not that you'd know it by how I answer these surveys) but since I no longer write fiction, I guess papers are all I have going for me.
Maybe I should start writing papers for students at University of Windsor for $75 each
136) What is your favorite season: I like early fall and late spring best. They're basically the same weather.
137) What is your favorite tree: Smoketrees
138) Do you throw litter out the car window: No. It bugs me when people do that.
139) Have you ever went to jail: No.
140) Have you ever stole anything from Walmart: No. My friend did that in seventh grade though when I was with her and got caught. That sucked. I had to stand and comfort her while she cried for two hours until her parents came.
141) Should weed be legal: Yup. My mom and I were just talking about that earlier tonight and she agrees with me that legalizing weed and taxing the hell out of it like the government does with cigarettes could drastically reduce our debt, our lack of jobs, and the prison population. I wonder if she'd still agree if she knew after that conversation I went to my room and smoked a bowl...
142) What are your thoughts on illegal immigrants: I don't know. I can see both sides of the issue.
143) What is your element (earth, air, fire, water): Fire pretty.
144) Have you ever had to get stitches: Yes, just when I had a mole removed.
145) Have you ever been abused: No.
146) What is your favorite brand of beer: Blah...if I have to drink it, Stella.
147) What is your favorite football team: Noo.
148) Are you judgmental: No I don't think so.
149) Do you watch soap operas: No.
150) Can you play any musical instruments: I can play piano, but we sold our piano when we moved and I haven't had one for six years.
151) Can you sew: Yes.
152) How fast do you type: I'm not sure. I haven't tested that since that typing program in elementary school.
153) What do you think about the Wiccan Religion: I don't know enough about it to have a solid opinion, but it isn't for me.
154) What's the neatest thing you bought for under a buck: Fun Dips. Yum.
155) What area code do you live in: None a yer bizness.
156) What do you think about the KKK: It's disturbing that anyone can still think like that.
157) At what age did you learn to tie your shoes: Four.
158) Do you think people should be required to learn English if they come to America: No. Holy superiority complex. There isn't even an official language in the United States.
159) Have you won a goldfish at a carnival: Yes, in New York. His name was Fido and he only lived two weeks. You can't win animals in fairs in Canada. We won a rabbit once in New York too and snuck him over the border. He lived a lot longer.
160) What is your favorite kind of stone: Sapphires
162) What is your feelings on sex before marriage: I would want to have sex with my partner before marrying him or her. I mean, you at least need a test drive...
163) Do you think Christianity is the one and only true way to 'God': I'm Agnostic.
164) What is your favorite myth: How about all of Ovid's Metamorphoses. I know that's hundreds of myths, but I do enjoy reading it.
164) Do you like pepsi or coke better: Coke but I'll drink both.
165) What do you do for a living: Nothing. I sit around with a university degree and no job cursing Stephen Harris. And job-hunting, as well.
166) What is your favorite song to sing: I don't have one.
167) Do you let Jehovah Witnesses in your house: No.
168) Can you say the alphabet backwards: Yes if I really thought about it.
169) Have you ever been in a play: No
170) What is your favorite Girl Scout Cookie: I don't like them. My mom is a Brownie leader this year so she's got a whole box of them downstairs right now to see. She bought a box of the chocolate mint and I tried a few last night. They'd be good without the cookie part...just the chocolate and the peppermint, like After Eights.
171) What was your first word you learned as a baby: I don't know. Is it weird that I never talked about things like first words and time of birth and birth weight with my parents? I just never thought it was important, but everyone else seems to know theirs.
172) Have you ever been to West Virginia: No.
173) Have you ever been diagnosed with depression: Yeah I'm on medication.
174) What kind of Car do you drive: Honda Accord
175) What do you thinking about the rising gas prices: The price of oil is dropping, so why the hell won't the gas?
176) Can you sing well: No.
177) Do you like talking on the phone: Sometimes.
178) Have you ever been on a blind date: No. I don't think I'd allow anyone to set me up like that.
179) What is your best friends name: Chaz
180) Do you think being an alcoholic is a disease: No. It is an addiction, not cancer. You make the choice to start, and to continue. If there is a point where you can no longer control it...well, the same thing happens with heroin and no one considers that a disease.
181) What reality TV shows do you watch: None.
182) What is your ring size: My pointer finger is a six. I don't know what my ring finger is, since the last time I tried on rings it was for my pointer.
183) Do your believe in love at first sight: No.
184) What is your favorite quote: "I'll tell you all my secrets but I lie about my past"
185) What is your top five favorite songs: That changes all the time.
186) Are you a vegan: No.
187) Do you know of anyone that was killed by a drunk driver: Yes, Trevor. I didn't know him very well but a lot of my friends were close to him, so I knew him from parties and Doors and whatnot.
188) What are your parents hobbies: My mom reads and plays bridge. My dad doesn't have any...he's a workaholic, and then he spends the night watching TV.
189) What kind of relationship do you have with your parents: I've gotten close to my mom since I've been living here. I'm on good terms with my step-dad but I don't think I would confide in him or go to him first with a problem. I hardly ever see my biological dad and don't really know what to say to him when I do see him. I usually just let my sisters talk. By the way, when I say "dad" in other answers I mean my step-dad...he's more like my dad than my real one.
190) Do you have a myspace.com account: No.
191) Have you ever tried out internet dating sites: No. I've considered it, and one of my good friends has dated a few people from one, but for some reason it still just seems a little...sad to me. Maybe I'd meet someone, but I'd be hesitant to actually tell people that's where I met them.
192) What are your feelings on spanking a kid: Spank away. There's a huge difference between spanking and physical abuse. I got spanked as a kid and I'm perfectly fine.
193) Have you ever been in coma: No.
195) What is the most special gift you have ever received: I don't know.
196) Describe your dream home: My own. I don't care if it's a bachelor apartment; I want out of here.
197) Do you read Tarot Cards: No but I think it would be cool to learn.
198) Do you meditate: No. I'm too high-strung to get into that state of relaxation.
199) Are you popular: No.
200) What was your first job: Babysitting, but my first real job was at Burger King. |