social butterfly | 03/09/2009 |
jail cell photography
i have been becoming very social lately. and im much happier this way.
i spent my entire weekend with my roomie and victoria.
we went to the movies and saw Milk (awesome movie!)
the real harvey milk went to my school, so they made a HUGE deal about it
we stayed in, ordered tofu chinese food, talked a ton, shopped online, studied...
now i go to dinner with 4 people instead of just the usual vanessa and i.
i went to the basketball game today too.
just getting myself involved.
im sore from working out with victoria two days in a row.
i was the only one who stuck to the diet so far too.
then again im the only one thats not a size 3.
i think im going to add alen on facebook tomorrow, after class, since my profile shows im taken and i say "i will never love any one more than nicholaous copernicus".
he'll get the hint. and ill see if hes gay :]
today my roomie opened our mailbox and went " you know a John Herring?"
the first guy i ever realy loved. i was 12, we dated at 13, been best friends since.
he was the one that was telling me he was in love with me a few months back but i brushed it off since he broke my heart at 13 and im STILL bitter about it.
well, my first reaction to my roomie was he died and my heart dropped.
well, hes not dead. in the letter he said he went to go to rehab for pain killers and opted out since "it wasnt clean enough for him" and instead he went to the local jail.
he asked for a picture of me, told me all about working on his GED, walking away from fights. you know the works.
im going home on friday.
i plan on going shopping with friends, going to dinner with my brother and mother, checking out a local gym, seeing nick, and printing out a digital photo for john.
not sure which one i should give him...
its going to be hung up in a jail cell, so should it be happy?
i narrowed it down to these few:
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.
or maybe i could take a new one, holding a "miss you, john!" sign??? I DON'T KNOW |