while studying all night
and with a loud/obnoxious "im from NJ and im a jewish american princess" fucking bitch for a roommate.
how many times is she gonna barge in here with her emo music and white trash friends that smell like cheap cigarettes?
12 times so far today. and its only 2 pm.
im about to snap.
whatever happened to 24 hours of quiet during finals week.
my freshmen dorm was better than this.
nick's mom emailed me and said we can stop by the outlet mall
on our way to get nick next thursday.
haven't been THERE in 5 years.
so i have something to look forward to... but its 8 days away
trying to stay positive. but its hard in this stressful environment
with drunk ppl screaming FUCK ALBANY
outside my dorm till 4 AM
and a retarded roomie who wont move out even though the entire suite tells her to her face- we hate you.
(they have good reason but i won't get into how much of a bitch this vanessa girls REALLY is).
im gonan keep a smile on my face and study and get good grades.
i even ate alone in the DH today so i wouldn't waste time chatting with friends.
Like i said
me at 4 something in the morning studying for asia and afro american studies. holy shitballs im tired. and i have no caffeine. TRYING TO BE HEALTHY