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by Addicted to Craft
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by Addicted to Craft
Welcome to my craft blog, Addicted to Craft. My name is Vanessa and I've been crafting since I was a little girl. I used to cut up scraps of fabric to make blankets and clothes for my barbies and cut up scrap paper for food for my dollhouse people. I have since graduated to making more grown up stuff, but I am glad to have had that creative start. I'm a third generation crafter. My grandma does general crafting but she specializes in making porcelain dolls. They're amazing and she's been doing that since my mom was young. My mom and her sister also craft. My mom never had the patience, but whenever I needed a costume or project done for school, she'd be at the sewing machine. I hope you find what you need by checking out all my entries. If you have any questions, don't hesistate to ask!

ABOUT ME: I live in Albuquerque with a wonderful husband. He's a hydrogeologist and I am a part-time nanny, full-time crafter, full-time wife. I never thought I'd be okay with the whole "housewife" thing but it isn't bad. We have two dogs that we adopted. Ninja is a 1yo lab/acd mix and Samurai is a 9yo rat terrier. I believe in animal rescue, no breeding, no declawing, adoption only. I tend to get fired up about it so don't ever come around to me with your puppymill or backyard bred dog. :) As for us as a couple, we enjoy taking the boys for a hike and exploring our town. We also love traveling and hope to visit every state before we die. So far I'm up to 8 and my husband has been to 12. We also want to see a game in every MLB stadium and I have 2 while my husband has 5. We're hoping to add a state for me and two stadiums for both of us this summer!
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