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aka Dodgy Dave C..,
by Big Bruv Bloop

previous entry: Snowman stuck to lamp post [3D pic]

next entry: Snowy Enfield Photographs

3D Self-Portrait Trophy


I have just got to grips with making realistic faces in Blender (my 3D software) so I though I'd do a portrait of myself and make myself a trophy

From 3D Gallery


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    previous entry: Snowman stuck to lamp post [3D pic]

    next entry: Snowy Enfield Photographs

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    lol... I wonder if crayola will make this color and call it 'Shrek Green'

    nice rendering

    [Hidden Depths|0 likes] [|reply]

    Lol Nah, the gold didn't work out ^_^ it looks a bit green. It's an impressive bust, otherwise. I've never done 3D rendering, so I'm not sure what ambient occlusion means, but I know what each of those words mean on their own so I think I get the gist. Is there any way to toggle it so it's not as intense? It makes it look like you're aiming for a chairoscuro in the snowman... which isn't a -bad- thing if it's intentional =P

    Wow, I just wrote you a novel. I'll hush now haha

    [Hidden Depths|0 likes] [|reply]

    very cool

    [IMG.DesignsStar|0 likes] [|reply]


    [kel-syStar|0 likes] [|reply]

    Lol! That's neat.

    [beautiful.nightmareStar|0 likes] [|reply]

    previous entry: Snowman stuck to lamp post [3D pic]

    next entry: Snowy Enfield Photographs

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