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eadigteon's Diary
by eadigteon

previous entry: Fantasies

next entry: My bare thoughts...

Do YOU know how lucky you are to have what you do?


Every single person in the world forgets it could be worse and take what they have for granted.

In Canada it's Thanksgiving... and people have yet again forgotten that it's not just some Holiday that's in between July and December for the express purpose to give them yet another 3 day weekend.

It's supposed to be a time were you take a moment out of your busy life... Celebrate with whatever Family you have... and Reflect on what you have, and celebrate the fact that you have it. Health, Wealth, Happiness... With the Economy still in the shitter and slowly scrambling it's way back up into a healthy climate, I'm sure there aren't a lot of people out there Celebrating Wealth. Here's an idea... Celebrate that you have enough to pay for your Internet and your power. Don't be Greedy.

I am thankful that I have a soon-to-be-wife that is intelligent enough to learn from the most dire of mistakes and keep herself from commiting them again. I am thankful for the Job that I still have and the people I have around me to enjoy that job with me. I am thankful that my credit isn't damaged to the point where companies won't lend to me anymore. I am thankful that I have a place to keep all the things that are putting me further and further into debt. I am Ever so Thankful for having the ability to make less than prudent choices that result in the debt.

But the things I am the most thankful for... Can't be Quantified... I am thankful for the ability to understand, I am thankful for the compassion bestowed upon me...

I'm thankful for my ability to experience so much.

Thankful for Life.

previous entry: Fantasies

next entry: My bare thoughts...

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