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Alright Meow!
by *elle_bee

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4. ~ Scariest moment ever!


SO, today I had quite the frightening ordeal. It's really the only thing worth talking about at this moment, either.

I'm a member of Plenty of Fish. I had started talking to this guy last night, he told me that my priorities are really fucked up because I'm putting a lot of effort into a career instead of finding a man to settle down with. Woah woah there la. I'm 19 going on 20. I don't need to settle down... I want to live, travel, make stupid mistakes and make sure I have a career so I don't need to rely on a man.

He apologized and asked if I wanted to meet up for coffee, I didn't have much to do, so I went. He was trying to say he could come pick me up, but I definitely didn't allow that. I told him I'd meet him at the Tim Horton's. While we were there, he wanted to for a walk in the bush. I was like uuuh, no. He kept getting persistent about it, so I said we'd go to the beach by the Timmies... where there are lots of people. While we were there, we walked down to the boat launch and I noticed that there was a guy in a car sitting there, so this made me super happy.

He then kept asking what my interests were, so I told him about I'm very interested in Theology and how different, but similar religions are. He then started preaching his religion to me, and I was very polite about it, but told him that I didn't believe those same things, and told him my beliefs. BUT, I also said that there's no way to tell what religion is right, and what is wrong. When we die, we might go to Heaven, to Hell, there might be nothing, we might even all get 72 virgins! We'll never know until we die! He wouldn't listen to reason. Actually instead, he started to yell at me. He told me people like me don't deserve to live, we all think we're smarter than God, I may as well join the Jehova's, I need to read the Bible a little bit more. I explained how the Bible isn't fact, and it's historically proven there were council's of men who decided what went into it, what didn't, and there's a reason there aren't much mention of women, unless they're sinning against their husbands. He brought up the Virgin Mary, and I said "I'm sorry, but I really don't believe She was a virgin." That was it. He got up, face all red, fists balled, and started yelling that there was no hope for me. I'm very wrong, I'm going to Hell, and there's no way to save me,

previous entry: 3.

next entry: 5.

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Wow, creepy.

[Author_In_The_Making|0 likes] [|reply]

And stories like that is why you ALWAYS go somewhere public...Scary....

[♥ StephStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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