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Ellie's Diary
by Ellie

previous entry: Nine.

next entry: Eleven

Ten. (+Survey)


I've reached a bit of an impass, an arguement, a moral disagreement - with myself.

As a child (hell, who am I kidding...I still do) I dealt with ADD. I have never been on medication. I always said if my child had it, I wouldn't want them to be on medication, either. That it would be something we would just deal with.

And now...I think Alex may have ADD/ADHD. Honestly, I'd be surprised if he didn't. He's a hellion. He won't listen to a thing I say - it's what he wants, it's his way, or absolutley nothing. He's borderline unmanageable. It's nothing for him to reduce me to tears, either out of frustration or some of the things that he says to me. I don't know what to do anymore. My Mom says take him to the doctors, see if they can give him something that will help. Part of me agrees. But part of me, is so set against it. He's rude, mouthy, rambunctious, and destructive. He's almost mean in some of the things he says, he has no regard for anyone else's feelings or thoughts. I've tried taking things away, I've tried offering bribes. I've tried being stricter, I've tried being gentler. I've tried child-led parenting and traditional parenting. And none of it works with him. My other two children mind, they're excited to please, they listen to anything that is said to them. But Alex...I don't know what to do anymore. I'm at my wits end. Nothing I say or do or try seems to work with him, at all...He's a sweet kid, really. He's got a good heart and I know he loves me. But if he could just show some respect! I know it's been taught to him, because I've busted my ass to do so. I'm so confused, I dont know what to do.

Do you prefer regular soda or diet soda? Diet. Regular is too sweet.

Do you ever wear your boyfriend's clothes (if/when you have a boyfriend)? Yes

Describe what you usually wear to bed. Usually nothing

Would you rather live in an old cottage by the sea or a modern apartment in the city? Cottage by the sea

What do you usually order from a steakhouse? Salad

Do you consider yourself a good liar? No

What is one thing you swore you'd never do but ended up doing? I'm having a problem with that now,a ctually

The 3 best years of your life so far? 1987 (cause I was born! and infancy has GOT to be awesome), 2001 (if you knew me then, or know much about me, you know.) 2008 (was just a good year)

What's your favorite farm animal? Horses

What genre was the last book you read? Historical Non Fiction

Which are you more afraid of: snakes, spiders or mice? MICE! Which is odd, since I HAVE a snake.

Edward Cullen is not a vampire, he's a fairy. Agree or disagree? Neither - he's a fucking idiot..

Would you understand what I meant if I mentioned yuri or yaoi? Not a clue.

Do you even read manga? Nope.

Favorite sandwich filling? Peanut butter and strawberry jelly?? haha

Why are you pro-life/pro-choice? Pro Life. Unless it's going to KILL you, carry the baby. It's not it's fault it was concieved.

Are you anything like your starsign? No.

What's your political stance? Liberal Republican

Does it bother you when surveys assume you have an iPod/cellphone/siblings/etc? No

Thunderstorms or blizzards? Thunderstorms.

How high are the highest pair of heels you own? 6 and a half inches

Do you wear skirts, pants or dresses more? Pants. I LOVE wearing skirts and dresses though

If you were in a band, what sort of music would you play? Ohh it depends. I HAVE been in several

Does being able to play guitar really make someone more attractive? Hah, yeah.

What's the legal drinking age where you live? Do you think it should be lowered/raised? It's 21, not that anyone pays attention

Do you own any headbands with bunny ears? Yes

Flavored water or fruit juice? Yes please

Do you believe in heaven and hell? If so, which one do you think you're going to? Yes I do and I'm hoping for heaven.

What color is your favorite underwear? Red

Are you photoshop-savvy? Yes

What soap is currently in your bathroom? Bath & Body Works by the sink, Carress in the shower

What news channel do you watch? KSNBC

You need new clothes, what's the first store you go to? The mall! haha

What book do you think they should make into a movie?I dunno

Would you rather visit Europe, Africa or Asia? Europe

Is your room tidy right now? No

Where do you want your honeymoon? Where doesn't matter, just who it's with.

What types of video do you normally watch when you go on youtube? Music videos, random funny shit.

Congratulations, you won a free holiday for you and one other person! Who's coming with you and where are you going? The boyfriend, and we're Paris! We're both artistic people, there'd be a LOT to busy ourselves with.

Has any of your immediate family had cancer? Yes

Does it bother you when the guy/girl you're with checks out other girls/guys? It has in the past. My current boyfriend respects me enough not to though!

Tattoos: hot or trashy? Neither. They're interesting

What accent do you wish you had? I'm fine with my accent I just want to sound my age..

Do you prefer to plan things are you more of a spur-of-the-moment type person? Plan, plan, plan! You have to with kids...

Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color (eg purple, blue etc) Would & have.

Do you prefer your first name or your middle name? First name. My middle name never gets spelled properly.

Is it over 6 months until your birthday? Nope.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a hopeless romantic are you? 15

Of the seven deadly sins, which are you most guilty of? Lust

previous entry: Nine.

next entry: Eleven

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Maybe taking Alex to the doctors would be the best thing for him if he were to have ADD. I have ADHD and wasn't diagnosed with it until my senior year of high school. my grades were terrible and i had to have "extra help" even though i was fine i just couldn't focus, hated school..etc. I'm doing much better with everything since i've been on it.

If you do take him to the doctors and he gets put on some meds. It takes awhile to kick in and work. When I first started taking the meds i'm on I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks I'd toss and turn all night. I had to call out of work mannyy times.. it's better to find out at a young age if anything...good luck.

RYC: was from the seatbelt.. black&blue bruises. I'm doing alright though. my neck hurts. i actually haven't moved out of bed at all today....

[.Jess|0 likes] [|reply]

*laughs* I'm hoping for a boy next time around, but we'll see. Knowing our luck, another girl. If we even are, lol.

[Carolina GirlStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Ryc: its a variation of the C.H.A. Diet plan by scivation. I think you can still download their books for free at Its basically 5 meals a day. 4 ounces of lean meat, chicken and 10-15 grams of fat a meal. I can have 3 servings of fruit a day and green vegetables. Sometimes I have a protein shake made with water as one or two meals with almonds or a spoon of peanut butter. 1 cheat meal a week.

[stressedmommaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

If you've tried everything, there's no reason why you can't get a professional opinion. If you still aren't sure, go to a different doctor until you get an answer that you're comfortable with. You don't give up until your heart is at ease. I have a one year old, and that's what I'm learning to do. Asking everyone, and trying everything, until I find what I'm looking for that works for my son.

[♥ LMFG|0 likes] [|reply]

my sister's son is the exact same way.. she gets sooo stressed with him. she asked the dr bout testing him for ADHD and they told her the don't test for that till they are 6.. JAvon will be 4 in july.

[His Brown Eyed Girl|0 likes] [|reply]

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