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Fez's Diary
by Fez

previous entry: The mizzez in bed...

next entry: Fez Dance

Da Mizzes is Pregnant


The Mizzes found out dat she iz pregnant. We\'re sooo excited that were taking the family out to celebrate at hooters. It will be me, the Mizzez and are dawg Rover. No HOT SAUCE, especially not for thee mizzes!!!!!! Bo bueno!!!! Wut do you thank I shell get off hooters menu senorita (or senior)? I wuz thinking there chicken salad non spicy??? After hooters ma friend Jose Cuervo and I aye are going to the strip club to see some hawt chickies!!!!!!! Ay, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi!!!!!!!! So exsited. Too bad I don\'t have my liscence or a car yet, sow I got to buy a cab, rats. Maybee if aye flash them my azz lyke last time they will give me a free ride.

previous entry: The mizzez in bed...

next entry: Fez Dance

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